Transform4European Research and Innovation - T4ERI

Was ist T4ERI?

Transform4European Research and Innovation (T4ERI) ist ein Teilprojekt der europäischen Hochschulallianz Transform4Europe, das im Programm Horizon2020 der EU gefördert wird. Ziel von T4ERI ist die Erarbeitung einer gemeinsamen Forschungs- und Innovationsstrategie: Zusammen wollen die Partner Strukturen schaffen, Synergien nutzen und Exzellenzbereiche ausbauen. Unter Einbeziehung des gesamten gemeinsamen Ökosystems der Hochschulen und ihrer regionalen Partner in Forschung und Innovation wird dabei ein Schwerpunkt auf die digitale und ökologische Transformation gelegt, um „smarte“, nachhaltige und wettbewerbsfähige Regionen zu erhalten.
Neben einer gemeinsamen Agenda für Forschung und Innovation werden auch gemeinsame Strategien zur Gewinnung und Bindung herausragender Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie zur Öffnung der Wissenschaft für alle Mitglieder der Transform4Europe-Regionen entwickelt.
In enger Zusammenarbeit mit regionalen Akteurinnen und Akteuren aus Wirtschaft und Industrie, Kultur, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft werden so Forschung und Innovation gefördert, um den Weg für die Europäische Universität der Zukunft zu ebnen.




Transform4Europe Talks: Our Research and Innovation Alliance

Roundtable Discussion: How can Open Science improve Research Careers?

Monday, 19th September 2022, 14:00 to 15:30 CET

Open Science has started from Open Access to publications progressed towards FAIR and Open Research Data, Science Communication, and Public Engagement in Research and Innovation. Data-driven research and related issues are of paramount importance in most of research fields.

The obvious bottleneck and the biggest challenges have to do with Open Research Data, especially because data have a huge impact on researchers’ careers. Therefore, it is important to discuss how to:

  • Raise awareness and motivation among researchers
  • Incentivise and award researchers with the help of assessment and promotion.

Moreover, data-driven research needs data scientists, data stewards, and librarians for specific research areas. The questions are:

  • How are new data-related professions educated?
  • What are the possibilities of re-education of present data researchers to improve and speed up their careers?

Link to the meeting

Roundtable Discussion: Challenges to women researchers’ careers

Friday, 12th May 2023, 14:00 to 15:30 CET

We would like to discuss in more detail the role of women in science and the prospects for their scientific careers in the framework of the European University Alliance Transform4Europe and the T4EU Week at Saarland University. It is a reality that women in the 21st century are being marginalised in science-related fields because of their gender even though they have the same rights as their peers to hold a position in science and show their progress, especially in STEM areas. The gender gap means that women who progress in their scientific careers are under-represented and have fewer prospects for advancement and leadership positions in academia.

Fortunately, the picture is changing, and in the framework of this talk we would like to learn from representatives of alliance universities about their reality and the reality of their universities and how T4EU could improve the prospects of young female researchers and contribute to closing the gender gap.

Link to the meeting


N. N.
Interne Projektkoordination an der UdS
Dezernat IB | Strategische Partnerschaften
Tel.: +49 681 302-2874