Other options for financing your studies

Jobs Student loans

Some banks offer loans specifically designed for students. Probably the best known is the KfW student loan. A student loan must be reimbursed plus interest so that it adds up to a significant amount. However, as terms and conditions of suppliers can considerably vary from one another, you are advised to consult an expert and compare different offers first.

KfW student loan
CHE student loan test
Stiftung Warentest: student loans (2015)

Educational loans

Students in a higher semester can take out an educational loan with the federal government. This type of financial support is a low-interest loan that you can apply for regardless of your income. However, the amount needs to be repaid in full and including interest.

Information by the KfW
Information by the Federal Office of Administration

Educational funds

Students that are granted an educational fund do not bare a fixed debt burden. The repayment depends on their future income. This is why educational funds are mainly granted to students studying a subject with promising career options.
