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Irland-Tage 2013

21. bis 23. Juni 2013 [...]
Tuesday, June, 25th, 2013, 6-8 p.m.; Campus C5 3, Room 4.08 [...]
Friday, 21 June 2013, 10am-12pm c.t.; C5 3, Room U 13 [...]
Frau Ariane Hudelet wird am Donnerstag, 20.6., 16-18 c.t. einen Vortrag halten: “‘I’d rather be watching Jane Austen’: Enhancing Wish Fulfillment in the ‘Austen films’” The structure of Jane Austen’s novels has often been compared to that of fairy tales. Yet, a closer reading of the texts reveals subtle strategies that undermine these apparently perfect resolutions. When adapted to the screen, though, most of the shades and ambiguities of the literary endings seem to disappear, to be… [...]
Mittwoch 12. Juni, 14-16 c.t., Campus B3 2, HS 0.03 [...]
Filmhaus Saarbrücken; Mainzer Straße 8; Eintritt: 5€; Gesamtticket für Erfolg in Serie (7 Termine): 24,50€ [...]
Masques: Transcultural Knowledge of Africa Eine interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe Mittwoch 5. Juni, 14-16 c.t., Campus B3 2, HS 0.03 Professor Dr. Laurajane Smith (Australian National U): “Viewing the African Enslavement in Museum Visitor Responses” [...]
Von Mai bis Juli läuft im Kino Achteinhalb die TAS Filmreihe „African In-Sights“ Zu einigen Filmen gibt es Einführungen von Gastdozenten. Achtung, die erste Veranstaltung beginnt am Montag, 6. Mai. Nähere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem angehängten Programm. [...]
Wednesday, 08 May, 14:00-16:00. Prof. Thomas Reinhardt, LMU Bldg. B3.2, HS 0.03 [...]
Prof. Cathy M. Johnson, Williams College Thursday, 18 April 2013, 16:00 University Campus, Building E1.7, Room 001 [...]
Dates: January 30 - February 1, 2012; Time: Shows start at 7:30pm (house opens at 7:00pm); Venue: Aula der UdS [...]
We would like to invite you to our biannual English Linguistics Poster Day. There will be posters from fields as diverse as discourse analysis ("The construction of femininity in Sex and the City") and first language acquisition ("Picture book reading as an interactional achievement"). Students have also promised to bring drinks and snacks! ELP will take place in room 120 at 6 p.m., Tue. Jan. 29th. [...]



(22.-25. Januar 2013
Die Genderwoche wird veranstaltet vom AStA Referat für Familie und Gleichstellung, dem Lehrstuhl für Nordamerikanische Literaturen und Kulturen, dem Büro der
Gleichstellungsbeauftragten, AStA Unifilm sowie dem Saarländischen Staatstheater. [...]
Prof. Dr. Eamonn O’Ciardha University of Ulster / Derr Irish Literature and Histor Thursday, 17 January 2013, 16:15 Bldg. C 5.3, Room U 13 [...]

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