Induction machines

Induction machines are an active area of research due to their industrial relevance and nonlinear control and estimation challenges. Further details about a industrial research project and the in-house test stand may be found below.

Publications (selection)

D. Kastelan, J. Rudolph, and A. Gensior, Stator-Flux-Linkage-Referenced Control and Online Optimization of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator, in: 7th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG 2016), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-30, 2016. DOI

A. Gensior, T.M.P. Nguyen, J. Rudolph, and H. Güldner, Flatness-based loss optimization and control of a doubly fed induction generator system, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Tech., 19, 1457-1466, 2011.

A. Gensior, J. Rudolph, and H. Güldner, Flachheitsbasierte Minimierung der Energieverluste und Reglerentwurf für eine doppeltgespeiste Asynchronmaschine mit Umrichtern, Sciences et Technologies de l'Automatique (e-sta), J. électr., 5, 1-11, 2008.


M.Sc. D. Kastelan