Guellouz, S.; Benzina, A.; Khalgui, M.; Frey, G.: Reconfigurable Function Blocks: Extension to the Standard IEC 61499. 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2016), Agadir, Morocco, Dec. 2016. (Received AICCSA 2016 Best Paper Award)


This paper presents an extension to the IEC 61499 standard called Reconfigurable Function Block. The major goal is to optimize the design of a network of Function Blocks by encapsulating several reconfiguration scenarios in one function block. We define the events triggering the reconfiguration and we attach a probability to each event to express its uncertainty. In order to verify the system and to evaluate its performance, we model it with a class of Petri nets. The proposed approach is applied to a medical platform BROS as a case study throughout a developed software tool called ZiZo v3.


Control system, Reconfiguration, IEC 61499 function block, Probabilistic Petri nets, Modeling and verification