Lab News

Welcome to new medical students joining our team!

In the summer semester several new MD students embark on their persuit to perform research for their respective MD theses. The Lab welcomes: Maria Grammer, Emely Herrmann, and Jennifer Kuprion.

HOMFOR funding awarded to Dr. Hollenhorst and Dr. Elhawy

Dr. Monika Hollenhorst has been awarded funding by HOMFOR2024, and Dr. Mohamed Elhawy has been awarded HOMFORexzellent by the Medical School of Saarland University. Congratulations!

Human airway tuft cells influence the mucociliary clearance through cholinergic signalling

The lab is happy to receive news about one most recently submitted manuscript to Respiratory Research.

Please, follow the link to its PubMed listing:

Hollenhorst MI*, Husnik T*, Zylka M, Duda N, Flockerzi V, Tschernig T, Maxeiner S#, Krasteva-Christ G#. Human airway tuft cells influence the mucociliary clearance through cholinergic signalling. Respir Res. 2023 24(1):267. doi: 10.1186/s12931-023-02570-8. PMID: 37925434 */# shared authorships

Three new medical students join our team

Starting this October, students of human medicine, Andreas Schlüter, Lukas Walter and Samuel Zeitz join our lab to persue their research topic.

Nico König and Peter Abel join the Lab

We welcome two new members in our team: Nico König joins as an apprentice our tech support, Peter Abel joins Judith de Schryver in our administrative team as an apprentice.

Dr. Monika Hollenhorst is recipient of the "Forschungspreis der Stadt Homburg"

Our team member Monika Hollenhorst has been awarded the Forschungspreis der Stadt Homburg for her work regarding the role of brush cells in infectious processes. Her work has recently been published in the prestigiousJournal of Clinical Investigation. Former and current lab members have contributed to this article, Saskia B. Evers, Noran Abdel Wadood, Alaa Salah, Gabriela Krasteva-Christ, and other labs.


Caroline and Daniel receive MD thesis grant

Medical Students Caroline Klozenbücher and Daniel Speyerer, who work on their medical theses in the Krasteva-Christ lab, competed succuessfully with their research proposal applications and receive funding by the Medical School of Saarland University.

The Lab publishes two reviews in the Journal of Physiology

Two independent reviews were published in the May issue of the Journal of Physiology. Monika published a review entitledChemosensory cells in the respiratory tract as crucial regulators of innate immune responses, Stephan's review  highlights Pitfalls of using sequence databases for heterologous expression studies. Both articles are part of the collection New roles for ion channels and transporters in health and disease.