CHN Elemental Analysis

Service Centre Elemental Analysis

The UdS has had a central service centre for elemental analysis since 1.10.2010.

CHN - Measurement

Currently the analyser Vario Micro Cube from Elementar (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Langenselbold, Germany) is available.

With this device, sulphur determination is also possible and, after modification of the Micro Cube, oxygen determination is also possible. Usually the device is operated in the inexpensive CHN mode. Under News you will find the current measuring mode.

The device is supervised by Mrs. Susanne Harling, who is also the contact person for all questions concerning the analysis.

Prof. Guido Kickelbick is the scientific director of the centre.

Organisational details

CHN order forms can be found here as fillable pdf forms for download. Samples can only be submitted using these forms. Ideally, you should fill at least 10 mg sample into a small screw-cap glass container and attach it to the order form with adhesive tape.

You have the following options for sample submission:

The samples can be handed in directly in the measuring room 4.06 in building C4 1 here on campus. If you are absent, a table is available in front of the measuring room, where you can also collect your measured samples.

You are also welcome to send the samples in large envelopes by internal mail to the following address

Please let me know by email or telephone if you have submitted or wish to submit samples so that I can process them as quickly as possible.



Measurement method: CHN-S

Contact information


Postal address:
Universität des Saarlandes
Anorganische Festkörperchemie
Servicestelle Elementanalytik
Campus C4.1, Messraum 4.06
66123 Saarbrücken

Contact person:
Susanne Harling
Campus C4.1
Labor 4.06
Tel.: ++49/ 681/ 302-70663