Dr Franck Hofmann

Franck Hofmann, associated Senior Research Fellow of the “Minor Universality” project, is Senior Lecturer for Romance Cultural Studies and Cultural History at Saarland University. His fields of research are theories and concepts of a minor museum, epistemic and political dimensions of architecture, narrations beyond literature and questions of an aesthetical anthropology.
– Selected publications: Aus dem letzten Zimmer. Eine Ästhetik des Abschieds. Berlin 2016: Kadmos; (with M. Messling) Pour l’Europe : politique et esthétique de la reconnaissance. In: Point de fuite. La Méditerranée et la crise européenne. Ed. by F. Hofmann and M. Messling. Paris 2019: Hermann: 5-23; (forthcoming, ed. with M. Messling) Designing Present Worlds. Architecture After Universalism and Postcolonial Critique. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.