MIM 2019 Commended Paper Award
The Effect of Worker Fatigue on the Performance of a Bucket Brigade Order Picking System
1. Preis für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Stiftung Industrieforschung
Human factors in order picking systems – A framework for integrating human factors in order picking planning models with an in-depth analysis of learning effects
Honorable Mention as one of five finalist papers for the Young Author Award at the INCOM 2021 Symposium in Budapest, Hungary
Minqi Zhang. Evaluation of Human Workload in a Hybrid Order Picking System
International Journal of Production Research Certificate of Recognition
Logistics 4.0: a systematic review towards a new logistics system
BME Science Award 2023
Dr. Sven Winkelhaus (Kategorie Dissertation). The Digital Transformation of Logistics from a Human-Centred Perspective, betreut von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Eric Grosse
IJPR Top Reviewer 2023
For the contribution to the review process at the International Journal of Production Research
ISM 2024 Best Paper Award
Ranasinghe, T., Zhang, M., Grosse, E.H., Loske, D., Marolt, J., Lerher, T. (2024). The Influence of Human Age on Order Picking Performance with Collaborative Robots: Experimental Insights. 6th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, Prague, 20.-22. November 2024.
WILEY: Top Downloaded Article
Journal of Business Logistics
Job satisfaction: An explorative study on work characteristics changes of employees in Intralogistics 4.0
Horst Wildemann Preis für innovative Managementkonzepte
Incorporating human factors in order picking planning models: Framework and research opportunities
International Journal of Production Research Best Paper Award
Human factors in order picking: a content analysis of the literature
IWA-Preis für anwendungsnahe wissenschaftliche Leistungen im Themenbereich "Planung und Optimierung in der Automobilindustrie"
Storage policies and order picking strategies in U-shaped order-picking systems with a movable base
MIM 2022 Commended Paper Award
Potential of Mobile Applications in Human-Centric Production and Logistics Management