Roland Speicher

Prof. Dr. Roland Speicher
Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
66123 Saarbrücken

room 201, building E 2 4
phone:   +49 (0) 681 302 2427
mail:      speicher[at]
office hours:   by prior arrangement

postal address
Universitaet des Saarlandes
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 151150
66041 Saarbruecken


Research Interests

Free Probability Theory, Random Matrices, Operator Algebras

Short Bio

Roland Speicher studied mathematics and physics in Saarbrücken, Freiburg and Heidelberg. He received his diploma degree in physics 1986, his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1989, and his habilitation 1994 from the University of Heidelberg. After his Heisenberg fellowship 1995–2000 he became professor at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. Since 2010 he is professor in Saarbrücken. He was a recipient of a Premier’s Research Excellence Award from the Prime Minister of Ontario in 2000 and of the Jefferey–Williams Prize 2012 of the Canadian Mathematical Society. Prof. Speicher was invited speaker at the ICM 2014 in Seoul. In 2014 he also received an ERC Advanced Grant for his project “Non-commutative distributions in free probability theory”. His research centers around free probability theory and its combinatorial aspects, with applications to random matrices, statistical mechanics, and operator algebras.

Online Resources

Recorded Lecture Series by Roland Speicher

Lecture Notes

Postal address

Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken



Saarland University
Campus building E 2 4
66123 Saarbrücken

Information for visitors