Course Planning

Lorem Ipsum Einleitung
The information on this page primarily cover advanced lectures (Vertiefungsvorlesungen) and (pro)seminars as basic and core lectures (Grund- and Stammvorlesungen) have stricter formalities and time schedules because they directly interfere with study and examination regulations of the individual study programmes offered at SIC. If you have established a long running advanced lecture with 9 CP, it may be possible to offer it as a core lecture.
Before the start of the semester
Several months before the start of the semester
Several months before the start of the new semster you should start to outline the idea of your course and TODO
Courses in the computer science department need to be announced to the study coordination some time before the start of the semester so that they can be entered in to the universities course catalogue and be published to students in time. The study coordination will send a call for action to the professors mailing list about 6 weeks earlier to that and a reminder mail. The hard deadline for advanced courses is usually mid-January for the upcoming semester and mid-March or TODO.
The registration will happen via a web form that will be published in the aformentioned mail. For advanced lectures you will be asked to provide the following information: final title of the course, credit points to be earned, weekly course types, the official lecturers, link to the website of the course, language, and optionally if you need rooms. For seminars you will be asked for: title of the course, if it is a proseminar or regular seminar, the official lecturers, language, and if you need rooms.
The title of a course should be roughly descriptive of the content to be taught. Please avoid too general titles or titles that may be confused with one of our basic or core lectures such as "Machine Learning". The title of a course should be final when entered into the form. Please explicitly indicate if the title of your course is not yet final. It takes some administrative effort to change the title after it has been entered in to the course catalogue or exam system.
For advanced lectures the name should be consistent between iterations. A name change should only occur if the content of the lecture has significaly changed between iterations. Name changes have formal influence on how students can re-attend previously attended and failed lectures.
You can enter anyone who is involved in the course and will regularly hold lectures, however the person listed first must be authorised to carry out examinations ("prüfungsberechtigt") at Saarland University. All the names given will be listed in the course catalogue and the first name will be listed as official examiner for the course.
Credit points (CP) are the rewards granted to students for successfully passing your course. Credit points need to roughly align with the amount of work needed to take part in your course. Per definition a CP equals to 30 hours of work. The type of teaching sessions refers to the scheduled events in your course where students are usually expected to participate, i.e. lectures and tutorials, but not optional events like office hours.
Advanced lectures can have a variable amount of credit points, but usually those lectures have 6 or 9 CP (this aligns well with the thresholds set in the various study regulations). In most cases your course will have 6 CP if you offer 1 lecture slot and a tutorial per week or 9 CP if you have 2 lecture slots and a tutorial. As you can see in the table below, only a part of this time will be occupied by the student sitting in your lecture or a tutorial. Most of the time the student will have to invest in self study, i.e. preparing and learning the lecture material, working on exercise sheets or projects, and preparing for the exam. If you want to deviate from these recommended formulas, consult with the study coordination please.
Credit Points / Total Hours | Lectures | Tutorials | Self study |
6 CP / 180 hours | 2 hours per week (30 hours) | 2 hours per week (30 hours) | 120 hours |
9 CP / 270 hours | 4 hours per week (60 hours) | 2 hours per week (30 hours) | 180 hours |
Proseminars have by definition 5 CP and regular seminars 7 CP. It is usually expected that you have one 2 hour meeting slot per week. Depending on how your seminar is implemented (research, project work, etc.) those meeting slots might be cummulated at certain times during the semester.
Yes! By the time of announcing the course to the study coordination, you should should have set up at least a simple website with basic information about the course. The course catalogue will link to this website and students should know what your lecture is about, be able to determine the minimal qualification needed to participate in your course, and where to find more information about your course later on (time schedule, material, etc.) to be able to plan their semester.
This site is usually hosted on your departments server or in one of the course managment systems (e.g. CMS or Moodle).
4 to 2 weeks before the start of the semester
For lectures you should by now have fleshed out the website with the final information of the course and (optionally, but highly recomended) set up a course management system. Popular choices are CMS (e.g. the instance provided by the department accesed with a SIC account) or Moodle (e.g. the instance provided by the university
accessed with your UdS account). These systems allow you to easily manage your course materials, slides, exercise sheets. You can manage participants, let students upload submissions and tutors access and grade them. Best is to ask your fellow colleagues to get a quick introduction.
During the first week of the new lecture period, there will be a welcome event, the so called Kick-Off. During this event lecturers of this semster will be asked to present there lectures. Study coordination will ask you to submit one slide per lecture roughly 2 weeks before the event.
- Vertiefungsvorlesungen -> im juni für Ws/ im Nov für SS
- wie funktionieren SWS / CP
- lehrbefähight/prüfungsberechtigt
- zulässig für welche Stg.?
- CMS/Moodle/Website frühzeitig anlegen
- Kickoff Folien vorbereiten
During the semester
In the first 3 weeks after start of the lecture period
During the beginning of your lecture you will need to explain to your students the exact examination procedure of your course, that includes the amount of exams or preliminary examinations and how the final grade will be calculated from any of those. Please write down these modalities in your slides and publish them on your website for transparency and to prevent misunderstandings.
Preliminary examinations are assessments that happen during the semester and can decide if the student is admitted to the exam of a course. Usually those are exercise sheets that need to be solved and submitted. Access to the exam is usually tied to passing a certain threshold of points (usually 50%). Other popular preliminary examination are programming projects. In undergrad courses multiple-choice quizzes or compulsory attendance during tutorials is sometimes a preliminary examination.
Examinations are usually the big assesment at the end of the course. The access to such exams can be restricted to participants that have passed preliminary examinations. It is compulsory for students to register for exams in the central examination system LSF/HISPOS at least 1 week before the exam date. Therefore you need to announce your exams to and book rooms with study coordiantion at the beginning of the semester. You in turn need to announce the exam dates and registration deadline to your students. Exams may be written (60-180 min) or oral (15-60 min).
TODO: inlclude re-exams announce
Here are some examples of possible examination modalities:
- Anyone is admitted to the exam (no preliminary examinations). The students need to pass a exam or re-exam and the final grade will be entirely determined by the better exam grade.
- Students need to submit exercise sheets an gain at least 50% of the points to be admitted to the final exam. The students need to pass a exam and the and the final grade will be entirely determined by the exam grade.
- Students need to submit exercise sheets an gain at least 50% of the points to be admitted to the final exam. Students need to pass an exam and gain at least 50% of the points to pass. If students reached at least 80% of points on their exercise sheets, they will receive a .3 bonus on their final grade.
- There will be 3 programming projects during the course that students need to pass to be admitted to the final exam. Students need to pass an exam or re-exam and gain at least 50% of the points to pass. The final grade will be termined as follows: Project 1 (15%) + Project 2 (15%) + Project 3 (10 %) + Final exam or Exam (60%)
For further information and more formal definitions, please take a look at Section 13 of the joint examination regulations of computer science.
- Klausuren und Räume festlegen, buchen, ankündigen ans Studs
- Räume wieder freigeben bei uns wenn doch nicht gebraucht
- Plagiate
- Prüfungsordnung/Prüfungsvorleistungen etc
- Evaluationen gegen Nede des Smesters (Anmeldung?)
- Mails von Evelyn einarbeiten
End of the semester
- klausuranmeldung
- Anmeldung im HIS prüfen (wo his account? -> Sekräter/in, sonst im Notfall GeZi, steht aber irgendwo auf HIZ-Seite => Link suchen)
- keine Scheine selbständig ausstellen
- von Evelyn: Wer keine Klausurzulassung erhalten und trotzdem noch in LSF angemeldet ist, darf keine 5,0 bekommen. Diejenigen müssen uns gemeldet werden, damit ihnen ein Rücktritt eingetragen wird.
- Klausureinsicht empfholen
- Noten rechtzeitig vor Nachklausur eintragen
- Nachklausur vor Beginn des nÄchsten Semesters (Prüfungszeitraum)
- alle Noten spätestens Ende April / Oktober (FSK etc)
- Evelyn: Notenskala