Textblöcke für Formular
If you selected 'Yes', please fill out the following questions.
If you selected 'No', you can skip to section 4 down below.
If you need rooms, please have a look at the collision table below. Write down the days of the week and hours you would prefer for your lectures. Lecture halls will be distributed accordingly.
If you already have rooms, please write down the times and location of the lectures, so we can enter them into LSF.
If your lecture is online, please have a look at the collision table to avaid major collisions. Write down the dates in the field, so we can enter them into LSF.
We will only process submissions from official university adresses (e.g. cs, coli, lst, ...) or institutes at Saarland University (e.g. dfki, mpi or cispa) adresses. Do not use external or private mail adresses.
❶ About you
❷ Information about the course
❸ Room requirements
❹ Submit Form
All seminars in the computer science department need to be entered into the central seminar system to facilitate distribution of students to available seminar seats. Please enter your seminar first into the seminar system before registering it with study coordination.
You can login to the seminar system with your SIC account. If you do not have a SIC account yet, please write to the SIC IT support team, stating that you are a lecturer for a seminar, to get access.
❶ About you
❷ Information about the seminar
❸ Room requirements
❹ Submit Form