[27 October 2023] On friday, 03.11.2023 the double exhibition "Women & Mathematics - WOMEN OF MATHEMATICS feat. Visionary" will open at 16:00 in the Günter Hotz lecture hall.
Some news coverage of the exhibition can be found here and here.[23 October 2023] Moritz Weber and Luca Junk received the "Award for best teaching" for their lecture on the K-Theory of C* algebras.
[14 July 2023] On friday, 14.07.2023, the Math and Hike Day of the groups Hartz, Speicher and Weber took place. Picture
[05 May 2023] On tuesday, 09.05.2023, Moritz Weber will be one of two speakers at the open dual lecture on the software of quantum computing.
[11 January 2023] Moritz Weber will be one of the DJs at the Night of the Profs at Saarland University on 20 January. Poster
[15 September 2022] On 5 October 2022, Moritz Weber will give a talk (in German) on "Quantenmathematik" in the series "Ein Quantum Tech", in the Filmhaus Saarbrücken.
[12 September 2022] The Focus Semester on Quantum Information has started! Lectures and talks on quantum information theory, from the perspectives of mathematics, computer science and physics, from 12 September until 9 December 2022.
[6 August 2022] Moritz Weber participated in the Science Slam of Saarland University on the MS Wissenschaft.
[6 December 2021] Moritz Weber received the von Kaven award by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Bremen.
Press release- [1 March 2021] Moritz Weber becomes Heisenberg professor for Mathematics at Saarland University.
Press release
Extended press release
- From October 2020 to June 2021, I am in charge of the 24th Internetseminar (ISem24), together with Christian Budde, Xin Li and Christian Voigt. Since 1997, the Internetseminar has taken place every year, dedicated to some specific topic in functional analysis and evolution equations. In ISem24, we will introduce to C*-algebras and dynamics; we expect several hundreds of participants worldwide. Looking forward to it!
- I am now part of the Heisenberg programme of the German Research Foundation. My own position will be fully funded from early 2021 for five years. I am very happy about that, besides being also mathematically a Heisenberg descendant. Thank you very much!
- From 23 September to 25 October 2019, Christian Voigt, Senior Lecturer at University of Glasgow will visit our research group for working with me on quantum groups. We are looking forward to it!
- From 1 June to 17 August 2019, Chase Vogeli, Bachelor's student at MIT, Boston, is visiting our research group with a RISE internship. He is supervised by Daniel Gromada and myself. Welcome!
- Thank you for the invitation to the New Years Reception of the Federal President of Germany and Mrs Büdenbender, 10 January 2019 in the castle Bellevue, Berlin!
- Since January 2019, I am an editor of Analysis Mathematica for the area functional analysis, operator algebras and quantum groups. Submissions welcome!
- The mobility support for the project Quantum groups and quantum probability has been approved by the DAAD/Procope for 2019-2020 - Thank you very much!
- Alexander Mang receives an award (8 week stay at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn) at the students conference of the DMV (German Mathematical Society), 4-5 March 2018 in Paderborn for his talk on his Bachelor's thesis Neutral pair partition categories, written under my supervision.
- I am very happy having received the Landespreis Hochschullehre 2016 (federal state teaching award) awarded by the first minister of Saarland for the preparatory math courses for refugees for studies in MINT-subjects!
Our guests
Information for our visitors
On this page you will find some information concerning a stay at Saarbrücken, at our research group on Quantum Groups. If you have any suggestions or comments about this site, please help us to improve it!
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Useful links
Heisenberg Programme
Since March 2021, Moritz Weber is a Heisenberg Professor for Mathematics at Saarland University. This is a five year professor position funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The title of the this five year project is Compact Matrix Quantum Groups of Combinatorial Type. The aim is to investigate the representation theory of combinatorial type quantum groups and to explore links with quantum information theory.
Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has established the transregional collaborative research centre (SFB-TRR) 195 “Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application” starting in January 2017. Host university is the University of Kaiserslautern (TU Kaiserslautern), additional applicant universities are RWTH Aachen University and Saarland University.
What are quantum symmetries?
In mathematics, symmetries are usually captured by the formalism of groups. However, in the realm of ``quantum mathematics'', certain noncommutative algebraic structures arise and we need to go beyond groups in order to describe its symmetries: we need to consider quantum groups. There is a short Oberwolfach Snapshot gently introducing to quantum symmetry.
Postal address
Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken
Physical address
Saarland University
Campus building E 2 4
66123 Saarbrücken