Lebenslauf Professor Boller
Activities at Universities
Teaching at the Saarland University
Non-Destructive Testing I (since 2009)
Non-Destructive Testing II (since 2009)
NDT Laboratory I (since 2009)
NDT Laboratory II (since 2009)
Fatigue & Fracture (since 2011)
Structural Health Monitoring (since 2014)
Teaching at the University of Sheffield/UK
Seminar 'Aircraft Structural Integrity' (12 – 15 hrs. per academic year) as visiting professor from 2000 to 2003
Courses taught since 2003:
ACS172 Introduction to Aerospace (partially since 2007)
MEC210 Business Skills for the Engineer (2005 - 2006)
MEC282 Aerostructures (2000 – 2004)
MEC305 Engineering Management (2004)
MEC307 Group Design Project (2004)
MEC385 Aerospace Group Design Project (since 2004)
MEC402 Advanced Principles of Structural Integrity (2004)
MEC413 Aerospace Systems and Structures (since 2006)
Teaching at Dresden International University (DIU)
Scientific director of the two years double degree NDT master course
Fatigue & Fracture (since 2014)
Sound and Vibration (since 2014)
Activities with Respect to Educational Series:
Lecure Series ‘SHM in Action’ held once or twice annually for 2 to 5 days together with A. Güemes (coordinator), S. Fassois, C.-P. Fritzen, M. McGugan, W. Ostachowicz and A. Suleman since 2006 worldwide.
Smart Structures Course (1993 to 1995) held at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow/Scotland; in charge of lecturing 'Aerospace Requirements for Smart Structures'
AGARD Lecture Series 205 entitled 'Smart Structures and Materials Implications for Military Aircraft of New Generation'; 2 days lecture series held during the 4th quarter of 1996 in the USA, France and the Netherlands; served as the lecture series director and gave lectures 'Introduction to Smart Structures and Materials', 'Fundamentals of Structure Health Monitoring' and 'Shape Memory Alloys'.
Workshop on 'Structural Health Monitoring', along the Internat. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Bangalore/India, July 7, 1999
Seminars held on different topics at the following universities and institutions:
Cathol. University Leuven/Belgium; Kyushu Inst. of Technology Kokura/Japan; Nagoya University Nagoya/Japan; National Research Inst. for Metals Tokyo/Japan; Osaka City Univ./Japan; Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo/Japan; Yamaguchi University Ube/Japan; Techn. Universität Hamburg-Harburg; Techn. Universität München; Universität Stuttgart; VDI-TZ Düsseldorf; TU Darmstadt/Germany; TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld/Germany.
Member in Scientific Committees and Societies including Chairman- and Editorships
Member of the Materials Science Advisory Board of Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) (Federal Establishment of Materials Research and Testing) in Berlin/Germany
Member of the Components and Processes Programme Committee of the German Reactor Safety Committee (since 2011)
Member of the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing
Member of the Canadian Institute for NDE
Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Bristol/UK (since 2001)
Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DGLR)
Member of the American Institution of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Member of the AIAA Adaptive Structures Technical Committee
Institute of Smart Materials, Systems and Structures (ISSS), Bangalore/India (Life Member since 1999)
Chairman of the Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation and Testing (FENDT 2014) in Chengdu/China (2014)
Co-chairman of the Symposium on NDT in Aerospace (since 2010)
Member of the Internat. Steering Committee and Internat. Scientific Committee of the IUTAM Symposium on Multi-functional Materials, Structures and Systems, Bangalore/India, December 10-13, 2008
Member of the Steering Committee of the 4th European Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, St. Petersburg/Russia, September 2008
Member of the Internat. Advisory Board of ‘Conferences Internationales Materiaux et Technologies’ (CIMTEC) 2008 in Acireale, Sicily/Italy
Member of the Evaluation Board for the Research Assessment Exercise 2007 of the University of Oulu/Finland
Editor-in-chief for the Encyclopaedia on Structural Health Monitoring (3 volumes with around 2,000 pages and also as an online service) currently launched by John Wiley & Sons
Member of the Scientific Committee and Jury for the 3rd European Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition in Toulouse/France in September 2007
Member of the international scientific committee of the Asian-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2006 in Yokohama/Japan
Co-chairman of the International Symposium on Intelligent Materials organised by the Internat. Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) in Bangalore/India in October 2007
Member of the Internat. Committee of the 2nd Internat. Conf. on Smart Materials & Structures in Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing/China, September 2006
Member of the Scientific Committee and Jury for the 2nd European Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition in Braunschweig/Germany in July 2006
Member of the international advisory committee of the International Conference on Emerging Adaptive Systems and Technologies (EAST-2005) in Tamil Nadu, India
Member of the Internat. Technical and Organizing Committee of the Internat. Conference on Smart Materials & Structures in Aerospace Engineering (SMSAE2006) in Nanjing/China
Co-chairman of the 10th Internat. Conference on Advanced Materials organised by the Internat. Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) in Bangalore/India 2007
Co-chairman of the ISSS-SPIE International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to be held in Bangalore/India in July 2005
Member of the scientific committee for the Symposium on Structural Durability in Darmstadt, to be held in Darmstadt/Germany in June 2005
Member of the scientific committee of the 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials in Lisbon/Portugal in July 2005
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Aeronautical Society of India (since 2004)
Member of the editorial board of the Internat. Journal of Structural Control and Monitoring published by J. Wiley & Sons since July 2004
Elected as director of the International Association of Structural Control and Monitoring for the period of 2004 to 2008
Member of the Scientific Committee for the European Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (since 2004)
Chairman of the European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring held in Munich/Germany July 7-9, 2004 and Dresden/Germany July 2012
Chairman of the International Workshop on ‘Micro Aerial Vehicles – Unmet Technological Requirements’ held in Schloss Elmau/Germany September 22-24, 2003
Member of the Steering Committee for the European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, July 2002 (elected as chairman from 2002 to 2004, presently past-chairman)
Co-Chair of the Internat. Steering Committee der 'SPIE/ISSS Internat. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems' in Bangalore/India, July 2002
Member of the Advisory Board of a Smart Materials and Structures Research Centre to be established at the Academy of Sciences in Warsaw/Poland, since May 2002
Member of the Organising Committee of Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures (SMART’03) in Jadwisin near Warsaw/Poland since May 2002
Member of the Advisory oard of the 'Smart Materials and Structures Research Centre' in Tsukuba/Japan, since September 2001
Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 'Internat. Workshop on Passive and Active Damping – Directions for the Next Decade', Neu-Ulm/Germany, 2001
Member in the Organising Committee of the 'SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials' with regard to the following conferences:
· Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies (since 2000)
· Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control (since 2001)
Member of the Steering Committee for the Internat. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford Univ., Stanford/CA, (since 1999)
Member of the Steering Committee of Internat. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems; ISSS-SPIE '99, 7.-10. July 1999, Bangalore/India
Member of the Steering Committee for the Smart Structures Expert Meeting organised by the Engineering and Physics Science and Research Council (EPSRC) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) (1996)
Editorial Board of ‘Smart Materials and Structures’, published by Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/UK (member since 1997, European Editor since 2000, Associated Editor since 2005)
Scientific Committe of EUROMECH 365 Internat. Workshop ‘Structural Damage Assessment Using Advanced Signal Processing Procedures’ (1996)
Internat. Advisory Board of the Internat. Conference on Intelligent Materials (since 1996)
Internat. Advisory Board of the European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (since 1993)
Thrust-Vector Propulsion System for Micro Aerial Vehicles (Main Inventor: C.-M. Kuo; Co-Inventor: C. Boller) submitted September 2006 and currently under evaluation with Sheffield University Enterprise Ltd. (SUEL)
Device for reducing the contact force variations between a pantograph and a contact line (DE 19643284 C2)
Procedure for manufacturing a fibre reinforced polymer based composite structure (Patent application 10039586.4)