Ph.D. Seminar Quantitative Methods


This is a seminar through which you can earn a certificate for your doctoral studies.
Various seminar topics in Financial Econometrics will be offered, which can help students broaden their academic horizon.


  • An independent empirical of quantitative study forms the core of the work.
  • For topic selection, please hand in a list with your preferred topic(s).
  • Scope: 5-10 pages (+/- 1 page).
  • Use of an appropriate statistical software (such as R, MATLAB, STATA, etc.) is recommended.
  • The seminar paper must be written in English.
  • Further tips and formal requirements can be found in theguidelines.
  • Submission: At the beginning of the next semester. Afterwards, presentation in a blocked seminar.
  • A LaTeX-Template for writing the Seminar Paper can be foundhere.


If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please just contact Prof. Dr. Fabian Hollstein directly anytime.


Possible topics for the Ph.D. student seminar "Quantitative Methods" can be found here.