Ph.D. Seminar Quantitative Methods
This is a seminar through which you can earn a certificate for your doctoral studies.
Various seminar topics in Financial Econometrics will be offered, which can help students broaden their academic horizon.
- An independent empirical of quantitative study forms the core of the work.
- For topic selection, please hand in a list with your preferred topic(s).
- Scope: 5-10 pages (+/- 1 page).
- Use of an appropriate statistical software (such as R, MATLAB, STATA, etc.) is recommended.
- The seminar paper must be written in English.
- Further tips and formal requirements can be found in theguidelines.
- Submission: At the beginning of the next semester. Afterwards, presentation in a blocked seminar.
- A LaTeX-Template for writing the Seminar Paper can be foundhere.
If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please just contact Prof. Dr. Fabian Hollstein directly anytime.