
Cognition and Emotion

The research group Cognition and Emotion is supervised by Dirk Wentura. It aims to understand the basic cognitive process underlying intentional behavior and emotional regulation, that is, the adaption of humans to their complex environment. This includes research on basic affective processes, attentional regulation, and processes of memory retrieval. Research is paradigm-oriented (e.g., affective priming, semantic priming, negative priming, Stroop) using behavioral measures (reaction times and accuracy).

Research topics include issues of cognitive psychology (e.g., activation and inhibition in information processing, attentional capture by valenced stimuli) as well as themes which are traditionally located in the fields of social psychology (e.g., indirect measures of attitudes) and personality psychology (e.g., self-concept, interindividual differences in basic affective processes).

More about Dirk Wentura