Marcel Pauly
Universität des Saarlandes
FR Psychologie
Campus A2 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Raum 2.27
Telefon (+49) 681/ 302 4641
Fax (+49) 681/ 302 4049
I am generally interested in understanding how people perceive and react to different stimuli. I am currently investigating how self-relevant stimuli are processed cognitively, as other research findings suggest that the self-relevance of stimuli plays a special role in cognition. I mainly use reaction time experiments in my research.
Pauly, M., Schäfer, S., Wentura, D. & Frings, C. (in press). The Self-Relevant Spotlight Metaphor: Self-Relevant Targets Diminish Distractor-Response-Binding Effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Pauly, M. & Frings, C. (2019). The natural egocenter: An experimental account of locating the self. Consciousness And Cognition, 74, 102775.
Pauly, M., Frings, C., Wentura, D. (2023, September). Short-term binding of self-relevant stimuli in action-control. Oral presentation at the 23th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Porto, Portugal.
Pauly, M., Frings, C., Wentura, D. (2022, September). Self-relevance in action control: Do self-relevant stimuli modulate stimulus-response bindings? Oral presentation at the Summer School HybridAct "Ideomotor Control in Real and Digital Worlds”, Hagen, Germany.
[Seminar/Übung] "Fortgeschrittene computergestützte Datenanalyse" (WS22/23, WS23/24)
[Seminar] "Forschungsspezifische Methoden und Evaluation - Erstellung von (Online-)Experimenten mit PsychoPy und PsychoJS" (SoSe23)
[Seminar/Projektarbeit] "Seminar der kognitiven Psychologie: Kognition & Emotion" (SoSe23)