Employee Survey 2023
Saarland University will conduct an online survey of all employees in the period from 25 April 2023 to 5 June 2023 as part of its Occupational Health Management (BGm) programme.
The survey is carried out on the basis of the Bielefeld questionnaire on working conditions and health at universities. The Bielefeld questionnaire is a tried-and-tested tool for surveying employees throughout Germany and is already being used at 40 universities in Germany.
Participating in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. Confidentiality and data protection are guaranteed at all times.
We encourage you to participate so that the survey results provide a meaningful basis for analysing the need for action and promoting working and health conditions at Saarland University.

For more information on the survey, please click on the corresponding tile or contact the Occupational Health Management team directly.
Please take part in the survey to ensure that everyone benefits from meaningful results.
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The questionnaire
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Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGm)
Standort Meerwiesertalweg
Meerwiesertalweg 15
66123 Saarbrücken