

| * correspondind/co-corresponding author | + co-first author | 

[4] H Fatemi, H Khalilian, J Sarabadani, MR Shaebani*
Optimal chirality enhances long-range fluctuation-induced interactions in active fluids
arXiv:2310.08973, 2024

[3] L Kainka, MR Shaebani+, K Kaiser, J Bosche, L Santen, F Lautenschläger
Microtubule polymerization drives formation of curved microtentacles important in circulating tumor cell invasion

[2] MR Shaebani*, M Habibi
Yielding and Strain Stiffening in Entangled Assemblies of Frictional Granular Chains
arXiv:2210.03653, 2023

[1] MR Shaebani*, G Giménez-Ribes, S Zondervan, LMC Sagis, E van der Linden, M Habibi
Universal Transition to Wide Shear Zones in Entangled Macroscale Chains or Ropes
arXiv:2208.13516, 2023


In Peer-Reviewed Journals

| * correspondind/co-corresponding author | + co-first author |   

[38] MR Shaebani*, M Piel, F Lautenschläger
Distinct Speed and Direction Memories of Migrating Dendritic Cells Diversify Their Search Strategies
Biophys J 121, 4099, 2022

[37] MR Shaebani, L Stankevicins, D Vesperini, M Urbanska, DAD Flormann, E Terriac, AKB Gad, F Cheng, JE Eriksson, F Lautenschläger
Effects of vimentin on the migration, search efficiency, and mechanical resilience of dendritic cells
Biophys J 121, 3950, 2022

[36] MR Shaebani*, H Rieger, Z Sadjadi
Kinematics of persistent random walkers with two distinct modes of motion
Phys Rev E 106, 034105, 2022

[35] MR Shaebani*, J Török, M Maleki, M Madani, M Harrington, A Rice, W Losert
Gravity Governs Shear Localization in Confined Dense Granular Flows
Phys Rev Lett 127, 278003, 2021

[34] Z Sadjadi, MR Shaebani*
Orientational Memory of Active Particles in Multistate non-Markovian Processes
Phys Rev E 104, 054613, 2021

[33] M Mohammadi, M Maleki, A Wysocki, MR Shaebani*
Striped Patterns in Radially Driven Suspensions with Open Boundaries
Phys Fluids 33, 101707, 2021

[32] M Madani, M Maleki, J Török, MR Shaebani*
Evolution of Shear Zones in Granular Packings under Pressure
Soft Matter 17, 1814, 2021

[31] MR Shaebani*, R Jose, L Santen, L Stankevicins, F Lautenschläger
Persistence-Speed Coupling Enhances the Search Efficiency of Migrating Immune Cells
Phys Rev Lett 125, 268102, 2020

[30] A Bauer, L Santen, MJ Schmitt, MR Shaebani*, B Becker
Cell-Type-Specific Differences in KDEL Receptor Clustering in Mammalian Cells
PLOS ONE 15, e0235864, 2020

[29] MR Shaebani*, A Wysocki, RG Winkler, G Gompper, H Rieger
Computational Models for Active Matter
Nature Review Physics 2, 181, 2020

[28] MR Shaebani*, H Rieger
Transient Anomalous Diffusion in Run-and-Tumble Dynamics
Front Phys 7, 120, 2019

[27] Najafi, MR Shaebani+, T John, F Altegoer, G Bange, C Wagner
Flagellar Number Governs Bacterial Spreading and Transport Efficiency
Science Advances 4, eaar6425, 2018
(Highlighted in: Saarland Uni Aktuelles)

[26] R Jose, L Santen, MR Shaebani*
Trapping in and Escape from Branched Structures of Neuronal Dendrites
Biophys J 115, 2014, 2018
(Highlighted in: Biophysical Society Blog, Selected as Biophys J Issue Cover)

[25] MR Shaebani*, R Jose, C Sand, L Santen
Unraveling the Structure of Treelike Networks from First-Passage Times of Lazy Random Walkers
Phys Rev E 98, 042315, 2018

[24] MR Shaebani*, J Najafi, A Farnudi, D Bonn, M Habibi
Compaction of Quasi-One-Dimensional Elastoplastic Materials
Nature Communications 8, 15568, 2017
(Highlighted in: Materialsgate, Saarland Uni Aktuelles, UvA News)

[23] AE Hafner, L Santen, H Rieger, MR Shaebani*
Run-and-Pause Dynamics of Cytoskeletal Motor Proteins
Sci Rep 6, 37162, 2016

[22] P Tierno, MR Shaebani
Enhanced Diffusion and Anomalous Transport of Magnetic Colloids Driven Above a Two-State Flashing Potential
Soft Matter 12, 3398, 2016

[21] B Becker, MR Shaebani+, D Rammo, T Bubel, L Santen, M Schmitt
Cargo Binding Promotes KDEL Receptor Clustering at the Mammalian Cell Surface
Sci Rep 6, 28940, 2016

[20] MR Shaebani*, A Pasula, A Ott, L Santen
Tracking of Plus-Ends Reveals Microtubule Functional Diversity in Different Cell Types
Sci Rep 6, 30285, 2016

[19] Z Sadjadi, MR Shaebani*, H Rieger, L Santen
Persistent-Random-Walk Approach to Anomalous Transport of Self-Propelled Particles
Phys Rev E 91, 062715, 2015

[18] MR Shaebani*, Z Sadjadi, IM Sokolov, H Rieger, L Santen
Anomalous Diffusion of Self-Propelled Particles in Directed Random Environments
Phys Rev E 90, 030701(Rapid Commun), 2014

[17] J Boberski, MR Shaebani*, and DE Wolf
Anisotropy of Force Distributions in Sheared Soft-Particle Systems
Europhys Lett 108, 44002, 2014

[16] R Moosavi, M Maleki, MR Shaebani, JC Ruiz-Suaez, E Clement
Stripe Formation in Horizontally Oscillating Granular Suspensions
Europhys Lett 107, 34006, 2014

[15] J Boberski, MR Shaebani*, DE Wolf
Evolution of the Force Distributions in Jammed Packings of Soft Particles
Phys Rev E 88, 064201, 2013

[14] R Moosavi, MR Shaebani*, M Maleki, J Torok, DE Wolf, W Losert
Coexistence and Transition between Shear Zones in Slow Granular Flows
Phys Rev Lett 111, 148301, 2013

[13] MR Shaebani*, J Sarabadani, DE Wolf
Long-Range Interactions in Randomly Driven Granular Fluids
Phys Rev E 88, 022202, 2013

[12] MR Shaebani*, J Sarabadani, DE Wolf
Nonadditivity of Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Fluidized Granular Media
Phys Rev Lett 108, 198001, 2012

[11] MR Shaebani*, M Madadi, S Luding, DE Wolf
Influence of Polydispersity on Micromechanics of Granular Materials
Phys Rev E 85, 011301, 2012

[10] Z Shojaaee, MR Shaebani, L Brendel, J Torok, DE Wolf
An Adaptive Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method for Parallel Contact Dynamics Simulations of Granular Materials
J Comput Phys 231, 612, 2012

[9] MR Shaebani*, J Boberski, DE Wolf
Unilateral Interactions in Granular Packings: A Model for the Anisotropy Modulus
Granular Matter 14, 265, 2012

[8] MR Shaebani*, T Unger, J Kertesz
Extent of Force Indeterminacy in Packings of Frictional Rigid Disks
Phys Rev E 79, 052302, 2009

[7] MR Shaebani*, T Unger, J Kertesz
Generation of Homogeneous Granular Packings: Contact Dynamics Simulations at Constant Pressure Using Fully Periodic Boundaries
Int J Mod Phys C 20, 847, 2009

[6] Z Sadjadi, MF Miri, MR Shaebani, S Nakhaee
Diffusive Transport of Light in a Two-Dimensional Disordered Packing of Disks: Analytical Approach to Transport Mean Free Path
Phys Rev E 78, 031121, 2008

[5] MR Shaebani*, T Unger, J Kertesz
Unjamming due to Local Perturbations in Granular Packings with and without Gravity
Phys Rev E 78, 011308, 2008

[4] MR Shaebani, T Unger, J Kertesz
Unjamming of Granular Packings due to Local Perturbations: Stability and Decay of Displacements
Phys Rev E 76, 030301(Rapid Commun), 2007

[3] ME Fouladvand, Z Sadjadi, MR Shaebani
Characteristics of Vehicular Traffic Flow at a Roundabout
Phys Rev E 70, 046132, 2004

[2] ME Fouladvand, MR Shaebani, Z Sadjadi
Intelligent Controlling Simulation of Traffic Flow in a Small City Network
J Phys Soc Jpn 73, 3209, 2004

[1] ME Fouladvand, Z Sadjadi, MR Shaebani
Optimized Traffic Flow at a Single Intersection: Traffic Responsive Signalization
J Phys A: Math Gen 37, 561, 2004


In Conference Proceedings

| * correspondind/co-corresponding author | + co-first author | 

[8] M Madani, M Maleki, MR Shaebani
Shearing of Granular Materials in a Confined Split-Bottom Couette Cell
EPJ Web Conf 249, 03004, 2021

[7] MR Shaebani*, Z Sadjadi, L Santen
Diffusive Transport on Directed Random Networks
Traffic and Granular Flow' 13 (Springer, Switzerland), p. 601, 2015

[6] Z Shojaaee, MR Shaebani*, L Brendel, J Török, DE Wolf
A Parallel Version of the Contact Dynamics Method
AIP Conf Proc 1542, 165, 2013

[5] MR Shaebani*, M Madadi, S Luding, DE Wolf
Effect of Size Polydispersity on Micromechanical Properties of Static Granular Materials
AIP Conf Proc 1542, 875, 2013

[4] J Boberski, MR Shaebani*, DE Wolf
Evolution of the Contact Distribution in Sheared 2D Granular Packings
AIP Conf Proc 1542, 523, 2013

[3] MR Shaebani*, J Sarabadani, DE Wolf
Characteristics of Casimir-Like Forces in Fluidized Granular Media
AIP Conf Proc 1542, 799, 2013

[2] MR Shaebani*, J Boberski, DE Wolf
Anisotropic Elasticity in Sheared Packings of Frictional Disks
Traffic and Granular Flow' 11 (Springer, Berlin), p. 339, 2013

[1] R Moosavi, MR Shaebani*, M Maleki, J Török, DE Wolf
Multiple Shear Banding in Granular Materials
Traffic and Granular Flow' 11 (Springer, Berlin), p. 331, 2013