Ehrendoktorwürde für Prof. Dr. Edgar Rosenberg
11/7/2012, 16:15
B3.1, Großer Sitzungssaal
Die Universität des Saarlandes verleiht Prof. Dr. Edgar Rosenberg die Ehrendoktorwürde.
Screening: Great Expectations (OV)
4/7/2012, 18:00
B3.2, HS 0.03
A movie by Alfonso Cuaron,
based on a novel by Charles Dickens.
With a short introduction by Prof. Dr. Frenk.
Charles Dickens Exhibition
Departmental Library
The life and works of Charles Dickens.
Guest Lectures "An Introduction to the Works of Charles Dickens"
Tuesday, 14-16
E2.5, HS3
05.06.: Prof. Dr. Bert Hornback: David Copperfield
12.06.: Daniel Tyler: Bleak House
19.06.: Dr. Bruno von Lutz: Hard Times
Lecture "Sozialkritik und Sentimentalität"
20/6/2012, 19:30-21:00
Trier, Karl-Marx-Haus
Prof. Dr. Joachim Frenk
Saarbrücker literaturwissenschaftliche Ringvorlesungen 3
Klassiker Neu-Lektüren
2/7/2012, 19:00
Rathausfestsaal, Saarbrücken
Prof.Dr. Joachim Frenk: Charles Dickens: Von Neuem lesen
Charles Dickens Exhibition
Dickens exhibition at the Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek.
Charles Dickens's 200th Birthday Celebrations
7/2/2012, 19:00
Nauwieser Neunzehn (Nauwieser Straße 19, 66111 Saarbrücken)
After a short introduction to the Dickens Semester, Prof. Dr. Bert Hornback will read works by Charles Dickens. Free admission.
Dickens and the City
Prof.Dr. Frenk's Forschungskolloquium went to London and Portsmouth to retrace Dickens's steps.