
7. Optimal Spatial Searches with Long-Range Tunneling
Emma C. King, Moritz Linnebacher, Peter P. Orth, Matteo Rizzi and Giovanna Morigi

6. Speeding up Quantum Annealing with Engineered Dephasing
M. Sveistrys, J. Langbehn, R. Menu, S. Campbell, G. Morigi and C. P. Koch

5. Inverse design of Ancillary System for Quantum Noise Cancellation
F. Anselmi, F. Benatti, G. D'Auria and G. Morigi

4. Dynamical phases of a BEC in a bad optical cavity at optomechanical resonance
G. W. Harmon, G. Morigi and S. B. Jäger

3. Spin-self-organization in an optical cavity facilitated by inhomogeneous broadening
M. Nairn, L. Giannelli, G. Morigi, S. Slama, B. Olmos and S. B. Jäger

2. Stability and decay of subradiant patterns in a quantum gas with photon-mediated interactions
A. Baumgärtner, S. Hertlein, T. Schmit, D. Dreon, C. Máximo, Xiangliang Li, G. Morigi and T. Donner

1. Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity
C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, G. Morigi and C. Kollath