
Universität des Saarlandes
FR Psychologie
Gebäude A2 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken

Raum 2.05.3
Telefon (+49) 681/ 302 6577
Fax (+49) 681/ 302 4049



WS 2016/2017
Multivariate Statistik Übung (Multivariate Statistics, Practical Course, Master). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2016
Bachelor Seminar. Kognition, Lernen und Entwicklung (Cognition, Learning, and Development. ( 2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2015/2016
Multivariate Statistik Übung (Multivariate Statistics, Practical Course, Master). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2015
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Research Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2014/2015
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2014
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2013/2014
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2013
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2012/2013
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2012
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2011/2012
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2011
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2010/2011
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2010
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

WS 2009/2010
Empirisches Praktikum. (Practical Course, Bachelor). (2 hours weekly, one term).

SS 2009
Pro-Seminar (Bachelor Seminar). Emotion und Motivation. (2 hours weekly, one term)


Supervision of theses (Bachelor, Master) and project works (Master).
Supervision of written exams.
Second examiner in oral exams.