Statistical Programming with R
Course Description
This course adresses to students especially to prepare for writing seminar papers, term papers or final theses.
Students are able to generate different data structures, use functions in R or independently write codes for simple programes and scripts. Moreover you can import any data into R, manipulate these data and export them. In addition you learn how to visualize mathematical and statistical problems and connect your basic knowledge from the Econometrics course with R. Furthermore you gain insight into numerical optimization methods and Monte Carlo methods.
- A basic education in statistics and mathematics from the Bachelor program is recommended.
- Credit Points: 3 (key skill)
- Semester: Wintersemester
- Scope: Blocked course before semesterstart
- Language: English/German
- Exam: Supervised exam subsequent to the course (60 min.)
- Admission of participants: First come, first served (number of participants is restricted!)
- Application: Self enrollment in this Moodle course until 11.09.2022