Doctoral Colloquium Prac Phil

Doctoral Colloquium in Practical Philosophy


The Doctoral Colloquium in Practical Philosophy is a series of lively meetings in which doctoral students (and sometimes other philosophers, too) present their ideas, outlines, papers, draft chapters and discuss them with the other participants.

Typically, participants include: from our department, the doctoral students, the professors of practical philosophy, and some other academic staff; and from other cities, doctoral students and other philosophers who are invited for the occasion.

Once or twice per term the Colloquium meets for an entire day or week-end, with several papers in a row. The conference-like setting creates a great working atmosphere and cuts down travel for those participants who do not reside in Saarbruecken.

Der Header ist ein Ausschnitt von Hermann Waibels Bild "Lichtfarbe" von 1987. Wir danken Herrn Waibel für die freundliche Erlaubnis, sein Bild zu nutzen.