Energy costs at the university

Last year, Saarland University spent around ten million euros on energy. More than double that sum is expected for the coming year. As a large energy consumer, the university enters into long-term supply contracts to ensure energy security for both its electricity and heating needs.

For the current calendar year 2022, energy costs at the university will be relatively moderate as they are still governed by existing contracts. However, the situation in the coming year will be much more problematic. The key price driver here is electricity costs, which are 150 percent higher than in 2021. Heating is supplied via a local gas-fired district heating network and costs are forecast to increase by around 130 percent next year. If you subtract from these projected percentage cost increases the 15 percent savings that the state government has mandated for all public institutions, you are still left with energy costs that will be more than double those in 2021.

Given this, it is crucial that all university employees join our drive to hit the 15 percent energy reduction target. Every one of us can usefully contribute by making small adjustments to our workplace behaviour and each team is encouraged to think about where further energy efficiency improvements could be realized.