Daphné Bolz

Daphné Bolz
Université de Rouen-Normandie
Centre d'Étude des Transformations des Activités Physiques et Sportives (CETAPS)
Rue Lavoisier
76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan
Aktuelle Funktionen
- Professorin für Sportgeschichte an der Université de Rouen
- Präsidentin des European Committee for Sports History (CESH)
- Chefredakteurin der Zeitschrift European Studies in Sports History
- Mitglied der Geschichtskommission für die Olympischen Spiele in Paris 2024
- Geschichte des Sports und der Leibeserziehung in Europa
- Sportarchitektur
- Geschichte der olympischen Bewegung
Projektbezogene Publikationen
- Bolz, Daphné / Krüger, Michael (Hg., 2023): A History of Sport in Europe in 100 Objects, Hildesheim.
- Bolz, Daphné / Saint-Martin, Jean (2023): Physical Education and Bodily Strengthening on Either Side of the Rhine. A Transnational History of the French Bill on Physical Education and its German Reception (1920-1921), in: Sport in History 41/1, S. 28-54.
- Bolz, Daphné (2016): Sport and Fascism, in: Alan Bairner / John Kelly / Jung Woo Lee (Hg.), The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics, London, S. 55-65.
- Bolz, Daphné (2015): Sports Policy, the Press and the Origins of the Cold War in Occupied Germany, 1945-1951, in: Sport in History 35/2, S. 195-216.
- Bolz, Daphné (2015): Modern Temples of Marble and Concrete. The Legacy of the Unsuccessful Olympic Ambition of Fascist Rome, in: Richard Holt / Dino Ruta (Hg.), Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy. Meeting the Challenge of Major Sports Events, London, S. 339-350.
- Bolz, Daphné (2014): Reversing the Influence. Anglo-German Relations and British Fitness Policies in the 1930s, in: Sport in History 34/4, S. 569-594.
- Bolz, Daphné (2014): L’événement en histoire culturelle du sport. Essai d’historiographie, in: Movement & Sport Sciences / Science et motricité 86 (Sondernummer "Histoire culturelle du sport"), S. 81-91.
- Bolz, Daphné (2012): Olympic Heritage – An International Legacy. The Invention of the Modern Olympic Stadium from Coubertin to 1948, in: Jeff Hill / Kevin Moore / Jason Wood (Hg.), Sport, History and Heritage. Studies in Public Representation, London / New York, S. 235-246.
- Bolz, Daphné (2012): Creating Places for Sport in Interwar Europe. A Comparison of the Provision of Sports Venues in Italy, Germany and England, in: The International Journal of the History of Sport 29/14, S. 1998-2012.
- Bolz, Daphné (2008): Les arènes totalitaires. Fascisme, nazisme et propagande sportive, Paris.