WS 2012/13

Veranstaltungen WS 2012/13

General topic:
Is the 'added value' of a dissertation measureable? Exemplified by the concept of 'sense' as tertium comparationis in translation


MuTra PhD will be dedicated to the question of whether we can, and if so, how we can measure the 'added value' of a dissertation (project) or research paper. Are there indications of 'added value' before undertaking a research project? Is the 'impact factor' a valid orientation and why (not)? How do empirical studies fare in the light of Popper's claim 'no observation without a problem'? Can we judge the 'creative imagination' to solve problems that have arisen in specific scientific settings? If so, by which logical thought processes, criteria and methods?

These questions will be discussed during the MuTra colloquia (see 'Veranstaltungsüberblick') and in the extended weekend workshops (11/2012 and 1/2013) in the coming fall semester 2012/13, questioning the dissertations-in-progress. The language is German and/or English as the situation requires. We welcome all doctoral candidates and interested colleagues.


MuTra PhD Team



General overview/Veranstaltungsüberblick


Local dissertation seminars/lokale Doktorandenseminare
mittwochs 10-12 h - Gebäude A2 4 Raum 216 IIa


Workshops/Wochenend-Kolloquien mit Gästen 14. November 2012

Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

Europrofession meets EuroPhD

Von Links: MuTra Teilnehmer Jan Fickert, Edmond Kembou u. Dr. Martin Will

beim Forum Europrofession 2012 an der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen


11. Januar 2013 - Literaturarchiv Saar-Lor-Lux-Elsass

Übersetzergespräche: Wie kommt der Sinn ins Buch?

Programm 11.01.13 PDF


Individual/Individuelles ‚Coaching' 
(upon request/nach Vereinbarung)

