W2403: Postdoc Position for a computer scientist, computational linguist or psycholinguist

1 Postdoc-Position (TV-L 13, 100%) at Saarland Informatics Campus / Germany

The Chair of Computer Science and Computational Linguistics invites applications for a postdoctoral position (02/2024 - 01/2026) of a computer scientist, computational linguist or psycholinguist, who has experience with cognitive modelling for language processing (e.g., Bayesian models, and/or models using cognitive architectures like ACT-R).

The postdoctoral position will be funded as part of the ERC Starting Grant "Individualized Interaction in Discourse" of Prof. Vera Demberg, at Saarland University. The goal of the position is to develop models that capture individual differences in discourse and pragmatic processing.


The candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science, computational linguistics, cognitive science or a related area. The candidate will conduct research on the design and implementation of cognitive models of language processing at the level of discourse and/or pragmatic processing. These models should capture individual differences in cognition such as working memory, language experience, background knowledge, theory-of-mind abilities etc.
The candidate would also be responsible for helping with advising student projects in this area.
The successful applicant must have excellent spoken and written proficiency in English.

Your academic qualifications:
•  Completed university studies in  computer science, computational linguistics, cognitive science or a related area.

Application deadline:     December 6th, 2023
Start date:                        February 1st, 2024

The duration of the employment: February 2024 - January 2026.
The volume of the employment: 100% of standard working time according to TV-L E13, see also https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/c/t/rechner/tv-l/west?id=tv-l-2023&matrix=1.

Applicants are requested to submit their application, including a cover letter that specifies why you would like to work on this topic and what qualifies you for it, an academic CV, a list of academic publications, your PhD thesis (or a current draft), copies of academic degree certificates and names of two potential references.

Applications should be sent via email to Prof. Vera Demberg (applications-vd(at)lst.uni-saarland.de).
Reference number: W2403
The complete job announcement can be found here.

Saarland University is one of the leading centres for computer science and computational linguistics in Europe, and offers a dynamic and stimulating research environment. The group is affiliated with both the Department of Computer Science and with the Department of Language Science and Technology.
Both departments are part of the Saarland Informatics Campus, which brings together 800 researchers and 2000 students from 81 countries. We collaborate closely with the university's Department of Computer Science, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

Our researchers and students come from all over the world, and our primary working language is English.

Saarland University is an equal opportunity employer. Applications of women are strongly encouraged; applications of disabled persons will be given preferential treatment to those of other candidates with equal qualifications.