Prof. Dr. Remus Gergel

Chair of English Linguistics


Tel.: +49-(0)681-302-3309
Email: remus.gergel(at)
Building A 5.3, room 2.10

Office hours during term time: Tuesday, 13-14. Please sign up with Sylvia Monzon.

Prof. Gergel will be on sabbatical during the summer term 2024. If you are planning take final exams, this should still be possible, but please coordinate well ahead. 

News and events of our chair







Qualifications, recent positions:

  • Dissertation, University of Tübingen, 2005
  • Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania, 2006
  • Habilitation, University of Tübingen, 2010
  • Acting professor, University of Göttingen, 2010/11
  • Professor, University of Graz,  2012-2016
  • Professor, Saarland University, since 2016 



Areas of main interest, research specialization:

  • Semantics, syntax and their interface(s) (varieties, morphology, information structure etc.)
  • Language change - corpus linguistics and theoretical modeling of historical processes
  • Germanic, Romance and comparative linguistics, language typology
  • Comparative semantics & syntax
  • Experimental linguistics




Books and edited volumes

  • 6. Gergel, R. & A. van Kemenade, eds. (under contract). The Grammatical History of the Germanic Languages Comparative and Diachronic Aspects. Part of the Series "Handbooks of Germanic Linguistics“   with Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 5. Gergel, R., Reich, I. & A. Speyer eds. (2022) Particles in German, English and Beyond. Part of the Studies in Language Companion Series series. John Benjamins Publishing Co.  Publisher 
  • 4. Gergel, R. & J. Watkins eds. (2020) Quantification and Scales in Change. Volume based on papers presented at Formal Diachronic Semantics 2. Language Science Press. Publisher 
  • 3. Gergel, R. & A. Blümel eds. (2015) Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis - SinFonIJA VII. Grazer Linguistische Studien, Volume 83. Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Publisher


  • 2. Beck, S. & R. Gergel. (2014) Contrasting English and German Grammar: An Introduction to Syntax and Semantics. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Publisher



  • 1. (2009) Modality and Ellipsis: Diachronic and Synchronic Evidence. Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [=Published & revised version of dissertation listed below] Publisher [References: pdf]




Published articles and selected further contributions

[C] = conference proceedings; [H/O] = handbook article or overview; [J] = journal article; [R] = other type of reviewed article; [M] = manuscript/work in progress

  • 51. [C] (forth.) Yet another player in the 're' domain: The redirectional (send-it-somewhere-else) reading. To appear in Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
  • 50. [J] Erbach, K. & R. Gergel. Direct pseudo-partitives in US English. To appear in Linguistic Vanguard.
  • 49. [R]  (forth.) Cyclicity effects in the development of presuppositions. To appear with Springer.  Prepublication draft
  • 48. [H/O] Gergel, R. & S. Cyrino (forth.) On the diachrony of ellipsis. Ms. Saarland University/U. Campinas, Under contract for The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics, ed. by E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. E. Kiss, A. Ledgeway, J. Salmons, & A. Simonenko. [Prepublication draft: pdf].

  •  47. [C] Kopf M. & R. Gergel (2023)  Annotating Decomposition in Time: Three Approaches for Again. In Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII), pages 129–135, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • 46. [C] Gergel, R., M. Puhl, S. Dampfhofer & E. Onea (2023) The rise and particularly fall of presuppositions: Evidence from duality in universals. Proceedings of Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 2. Linguistic Society of America, 72-82. Publication Link

  • 45. (2022) On developing a human diachronic simulation paradigm. Invited talk at Formal Diachronic Semantics 7. 

  • 44.  [H/O] Gergel, R., I. Reich & A. Speyer (2022) Particles: a brief synchronic, diachronic and contrastive introduction. In Particles in German, English and Beyond ed. by R. Gergel, I. Reich & A. Speyer. John Benjamins, 1-23. [Prepublication draft: pdf].

  • 43. [R] Puhl, M. & R. Gergel (2022) Final though.  In Particles in German, English and Beyond, ed. by R. Gergel, I. Reich & A. Speyer, John Benjamins, 177-208. [Prepublication draft: pdf].

  • 42. [C] Gergel, R., M. Kopf-Giammanco & M. Puhl (2021) Simulating semantic change: a methodological note. In Proceedings of Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 1, Andrea Beltrama, Florian Schwarz & Anna Papafragou (eds.). 184-196. University of Pennsylvania: LSA. [Publisher with direct access to article: pdf].
  • 41. [J] Gergel, R. & M. Kopf-Giammanco (2021) 'Sich ausgehen': On modalizing go constructions in Austrian German. Canadian Journal of Linguistics: 66: 141-190.   [Publisher] [Prepublication draft:pdf]
  • 40. [C]  (2020) Sich ausgehen: Actuality entailments and further notes from the perspective of an Austrian German motion verb construction. Proceedings of the LSA 5(2): 5-15. (Linguistic Society of America). [Publication: pdf]
  • 39. [H/O] Gergel, R. & J. Watkins (2020) "Editors' Preface." In Quantification and Scales in Change,  ed. by R. Gergel & J. Watkins. Language Science Press.
  • 38. [R] Gergel, R. & D. Ferguson (2019) "'Done Gone': On Expressivity in the Perfect in African American English". Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis - SinFonIJA 6. B. Stankovic, A. Janic (eds.), 177-196. Publication Link
  • 37. [C] Gergel, R. & S. Nickles (2019) Almost in Early and Late Modern English: Turning on the parametric screw (but not tightly enough to change a parameter). In A. Gattnar, R. Hörnig, M. Störzer & S. Featherston (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory. Tübingen: University of Tübingen, 282-293.  Publication Link
  • 36. [C] Gergel, R., M. Kopf-Giammanco & J. Masloh (2017) "Surprisal and Satisfaction: Towards an Information-theoretic Characterization of Presuppositions with a Diachronic Application". In  Proceedings of IWCS 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics.  Publication Link
  • 35. [J] (2017) "Interface interactions in the English iterative cycle". In Linguistica Brunensia 65: 51-65  [Publication link:  pdf]
  • 34. [R] (2017) "Dimensions of variation in Old English modals." In M.L. Rivero, A. Arregui, A. Salanova, (eds.), 179-207. Oxford University Press. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 33. [H] Axel-Tober, K. & R. Gergel (2016) "Modality and mood in formal syntactic approaches." The Oxford Handbook of Mood and Modality, J. Nuyts & J. van der Auwera (eds.). 473-494. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 32. [R] (2016) "Modality and gradation: Comparing the sequel of developments in 'rather' and 'eher' ". In The linguistic Cycle Continued, ed. by Elly van Gelderen. 319-350. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 31. [C] Gergel, R., A. Blümel & M. Kopf (2016) "Another heavy road of decompositionality: notes from a dying adverb". Proceedings of PLC 39, 109-118, 2016. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 22.
  • 30. [J] Beck, S. & R. Gergel (2015) "The diachronic semantics of English again." Natural Language Semantics 23: 157-203. [Publisher: html]
  • 29. [J] Gergel, R. & S. Beck (2015) "Early Modern English again - A corpus study and semantic analysis."English Language and Linguistics, 19: 27-47. [Publisher via FirstView 2014: html]
  • 28. [H/O] Gergel, R. & A. Blümel (2015) "Introduction." Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis - SinFonIJA VII.
  • 27. [R] (2014) "Most historically" Language Change at the Syntax-semantics Interface. C. Gianollo, A. Jäger, D. Penka (eds.) Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 101-123. [Publisher: html, prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 26. [C] Gergel, R. & P. Stateva (2014) "A decompositional analysis of almost: Bringing together diachronic and experimental comparative evidence." [Preproceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2014, 150-156: Univ. Tübingen.]
  • 25. [C] (2011) "Structure-sensitivity in actuality: notes from a class of preference expressions" University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 17.1. [Publisher with direct access to article: pdf]
  • 24. (2010) "From Comparisons to Preferences: Investigations in Modeling Variation, Change, and Continuity at the Syntax-Semantics Interface." Cumulative Habilitationsschrift, University of Tübingen.
  • 23. [R] (2010) "Towards notions of comparative continuity in English and French." In Continuity and Change in Grammar, Anne Breitbarth, Chris Lucas, Sheila Watts, David Willis, (eds). AmsterdamPhiladelphia: John Benjamins, 119-143. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 22. [R] (2010) "On the realization of LF-binding in some degree dependencies." RLLT 2. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, Selected papers from Going Romance Groningen 2008, ed. by Reineke Bok-Bennema, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe & Bart Hollebrandse, 105-123. [Publisher: html]
  • 21. [J] (2010) "Motivating certain variation patterns in degree constructions: semantics meets grammaticalization." Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. [Publisher with direct access to article: html]
  • 20. [J] Gergel, R. & C. Cunha (2010) "Modalidade e Inferências do Mundo Real em Português Europeu." RASAL Linguística - Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Linguística, 111-127. [Publisher: html]
  • 19. [J] Beck, S., S. Krasikova, D. Fleischer, R. Gergel, S. Hofstetter, C. Savelsberg, J. Vanderelst & E. Villalta (2009) "Cross-linguistic variation in comparison constructions." The Linguistic Variation Yearbook 9: 1-66. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 18. [R] (2009) "Rather - On a modal cycle". In Cyclical Change, Elly van Gelderen (ed.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 88. 243-264. [Prepublication draft: pdf; publisher: html]
  • 17. [R] (2009) "The little DE of degree constructions." In Little Words: Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and Acquisition, Héctor Campos, Ronald Leow & Donna Lardiere (eds.). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. [Publisher: html]
  • 16. [R] (2009) "Comparatives and types of þonne in Old English: Towards an integrated analysis of the data types in comparative derivations" In The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics; Volume 2: Product, Susanne Winkler & Sam Featherston (eds.). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [Publisher: html]
  • 15. [R] Gergel, R. & J. Hartmann (2009) "Experiencers with (un)willingness: A raising analysis of German wollen." In Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Artemis Alexiadou, Jorge Hankamer, Justin Nugger, Thomas McFadden & Florian Schäfer (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 327-355. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 14. [J] (2008) "Comparative inversion: A diachronic study." Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 11. [Prepublication draft: pdf]
  • 13. [C] (2008) "How comparatives invert: Toward a new syntax with some history." In Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Charles Chang & Hannah Haynie (eds.), Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [Paper at WCCFL 2007: Paper freely available via: Cascadilla Proceedings Project; superseded by the JCGL paper on comparative inversion above]
  • 12. [C] (2008) "Comparatives and inversion: A (necessarily) diachronic account." In Proceedings of the 31st Penn Linguistic Colloquium, U. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, Joshua Tauberer, Aviad Eilam & Laurel MacKenzie (eds.), PWPL 14.1. [Paper at PLC 2007; Paper freely available via Scholarly Commons Repository; related to the WCCFL material and superseded by the JCGL paper above]
  • 11. [C] (2008) "Comparative conservatism, syntactic radicalism? What’s history got to do with it." Pre-Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 3, University of Tübingen.
  • 10. [R] Gergel, R., K. Gengel & S. Winkler. (2007) "Ellipsis and inversion: A feature-based focus account." In On Information Structure, Meaning and Form: Generalizations across Languages, Kerstin Schwabe & Susanne Winkler (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Publisher: html]
  • 9. [R] (2007) "Interpretable features in vP-ellipsis: On the licensing head." In ConSole 14, Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente, & Erik Schoorlemmer (eds.). ISSN: 1574-499X. Leiden University. [Publisher: html]
  • 8. [C] (2006) "Systematic silence on the rise: Diachronic developments in the licensing of vP ellipsis." Pre-Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2, Universität Tübingen.
  • 7. (2005) "Modality and Ellipsis: Diachronic and Synchronic Evidence." Doctoral dissertation, University of Tübingen.
  • 6. [J] (2004) "Short-distance reanalysis of English Modals: Evidence from ellipsis". Studia Linguistica 58.
  • 5. [C] Dvorak, B. & Gergel, R. (2004) "Slovenian clitics: VP ellipsis in yes/no questions and beyond." In Ileana Comorovski & Manfred Krifka (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Questions, ESSLLI 16.
  • 4. [C] Dvorak, B. & Gergel, R. (2004) "Ga-ga ellipsis: Why Slovenian clitics sometimes get stressed." Pre-Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 1, University of Tübingen.
  • 3. [J] (2003) "Modal syntax: Detecting its parameters with VP-ellipsis." SKY Journal of Linguistics 16.
  • 2. (2002) "From simple predicators to clausal functors. The English modals through time and the primitives of modality." In Klaus von Heusinger and Kerstin Schwabe (eds.), Sentence Type and Specificity, ZASPIL 24.            




  • 1. (2003) Review of Bas Aarts: English Syntax and Argumentation. 2nd ed. Basingstoke/Hampshire/New York: Palgrave, 2001. Linguistics 41.

Selected unpublished work

  • Kopf, M. & R. Gergel (2022) "Informed crowd-sourcing for annotating semantic variation and change".  Ms. Saarland University  Draft
  • (2018) "On the semantic development of African American English invariant be". [04/2018, 37p.]
  • (2012) "On the diachronic trajectory of the adverb again: A corpus study at the interface with meaning."
  • (2008) "Meaning change and structure-sensitivity." [02/2008, 22p.]
  • (2008) "Topicalization, Doubling, and a Little More on Adjectives." Paper presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the German Society of Linguistics (DGfS), Panel on Topicality. Universität Bamberg. [HO, 02/2008, 8p.]
  • Dvorak, B. & R. Gergel (2006) "Clitic-licensed ellipsis in Slovenian: Diagnostics of a construction" Ms., ZAS Berlin & Universität Tübingen [07/2006, 35p.]
  • (2005)"Ellipsis and Parallelism Strategies in English: A Diachronic Perspective." [10/2005, 7p.]


(Co-)supervised theses since 2018

In progress

Alhelou, Yassin: A Comparison of the Use of Hedges by Barack Obama and Donald Trump (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Bablli, Mohammad: Contrasting Diachronic Trajectories of Presuppositions and Not-At-Issueness: Arabic vs. English (first supervisor) (PhD thesis)

Kopf-Giammanco, Martin: Degree Constructions and Language Change (first supervisor) (PhD thesis)

Puhl, Maike: Common Ground Management in Advanced Learner English (first supervisor) (PhD thesis)

Song, Sijin: Contrasting argument drop in English and Chinese (first supervisor) (PhD thesis)



Bessrich, Caroline: A discourse analysis of English code-switching in different German social media contexts (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Bintz, Hendrik: A digital discourse analysis of food evaluation in an online video setting (second supvervisor) (Stex thesis)

Brenner, Lara Sophie: A digital discourse analysis of fast food branding on social media (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Cino, Giovanni: The Pragmatics of Interaction in Online Language Teaching Videos (first suvervisor) (Stex thesis)

Johann, Jil: Gaze, gesture and body language: A sociolinguistic analysis of Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the 2020 US Presidential Campaign (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Jung, Sophie Annette: Discovering subject-specific vocabulary: A corpus-based study in the field of ‘Environmental, Social Governance’ and 'Social Entrepreneurship (first supervisor) (BA thesis)

Schäfer, Hafize Nergis: A corpus-based analysis of the decomposition adverb almost in American English (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

Schramm, Yannick: Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zum Dekompositionsadverb Wieder im Erstspracherwerb (second supervisor) (Master thesis)




Bettscheider, Lena: Politeness in late night talk shows - a pragmatic analysis (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

David, Sebastian Ansgar: The Language of Food Packaging (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Ebied, Maria: African American English Features in Tupac Shakur's Rap Lyrics (first supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Jennewein, Sarah: Emoji Use by Gen Z and Millennial TikTok Users - a pragmatic analysis  (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Knoll, Kristin: Pragmatic aspects of social media interaction (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Margardt, Lisa: Vowel comparison between British English and Australian English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Müller, Oliver: False Memories in L1 German and L2 English (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Reade, Phoebe Sophie: A lexicogrammatical comparison between the TV series Modern Family and natural conversation (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Schmidt, Sven: From Chorus to Corpus: Investigating the Linguistic Characteristics of Pop Lyrics (second supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Schramm, Yannick: Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zum Dekompositionsadverb "wieder" (second supervisor) (Master thesis)

Wagner, Robin: Pragmatic Sources of Humor in Late-Night Shows (first supervisor) (Stex thesis)

Wallach, Felix: English "there" constructions and their German counterparts (first supervisor) (Stex thesis)


Heep, Bianca: A corpus-based investigation of the re-prefix in American English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Kus, Ecem: Motivations for Code-Switching in Intercultural ELF Conversations: The case of Turkish L1 - German L1 ELF Couples (second supervisor) (Master thesis)

Pheav, Violetta: Second Language Acquisition. Strategies of Learning and Achieving native-like Pronunciation (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Pulaj, Sarah-Jaqueline: Harry Potter and the Dialects of the British Isles: A sociolinguistic analysis of social and regional language varieties and language attitudes in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Schu, Michael: Extending Toponymy to Fictional Worlds (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Ugwu, Veronica: Investigating Post Creole Continuum in Aspects of Nigerian Pidgin (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

 Wolf, Mario: Crisis Communication in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Critical Discourse Analysis of Politicians' Speeches (second supervisor)  (Staatsexamen thesis)


Akinci, Klara: Corpus analysis of empty object phrases in a corpus with pancake recipes from the United States, United Kingdom and Australia (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Cino, Giovanni: Second Language Acquisition and Language Learning Apps (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Hauck, Timo: Language Contact: How are anglicised verb constructions received by German native speakers? (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Hoffmann, Noémie: Kamala Harris on Instrgram (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Kullmann, Marie Celine: A corpus-based forensic linguistic authorship attribution study of the Zodiac letters (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Lipicar, Sean: Contrasting Irish English and African American English. Similarities in Uses of Habitual Be (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Schorr, Jasmin: It's Shite being Scottish: The Eye Dialect of Lowlands Scottish English in Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting  (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Song, Sijin: Object Drop in English and Mandarin Chinese (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

Sukhova, Iuliia: Speech act analysis in crisis communication: A study of Instagram comments during organisational crises (second supervisor) (Master thesis)


Bablli, Mohammad: The re-domain in Arabic vs English: a diachronic and synchronic comparative study (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

Ebelshäuser, Mark: Innuendo use in children's television (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Engels, Sophia Katharina: The Grammar of Headlines: Contrasting English and German (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Gegic, Sabina: Perceptions of non-native Teachers of English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Große, Shanna-Marie: Interactional talk in Cyberobics - a discourse-analytical study (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Käufer, Charline: Spanglish on Twitter as an expression of Latino identity - a discourse analysis (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Kayl, Christophe: How Do Video Games Affect L2 Vocabulary Acquisition? A Minimal Exposure Approach (firt supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Koch, Jessica: Phrasal Verbs in British Newspapers (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Körner, Tanja: Implicatures and presuppositions in advertising: A linguistic analysis of selected advertisements (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

Maier, Kartin: Fake review detection on Amazon - a forensic linguistic analysis (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Mann, Jonas: Presidential Campaigning on Twitter - A lexico-pragmatic Investigation of Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's Twitter Discourse around the 2016 Election (Frist supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Müller, Theresa: Emotive discourse in content marketing and its effect on customer loyality: a qualitative and quantitative linguistic study of Coca Cola's Instagram page (second supervisor) (Master thesis)

Pirsch, Nadine Dji-Yung: Word formation processes in Engish as a Lingua Franca - a corpus-based analysis of VOICE (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Schilling, Jana: Autism Spectrum Disorder - a Linguistic Investigation of Language and an Analysis on how Modern Technology can Improve Communication (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Schöndorf, Janine: Readership adaptation in children's recipes and students' recipes - a corpus-based study (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Stöhr, Nicole: The Language of Social Media Advertising - A corpus-based analysis of lexical categories and semantic fields on Target's Instagram page (second supervisor) (Master thesis)


Bard, Julia: Motivational and instructional factors in L2 English phonetics (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Bauer, Vivien: Gender and Political Speech: A Linguistic Analysis of Acceptance Speeches by U.S. Politicians in the 2018 Midterm Elections (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Bernard, Nina-Michelle: Recipes in Instastories - a corpus-based discourse analysis (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Engel, Gianna: Effects of prescriptivism on the pronunciation of American English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Fisch, Helen: ELF in the classroom - An applied study of English as a lingua franca communication strategies and their use in English language teaching (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Gab, Katharina: 'youhadonejob' A corpus-based analysis of hashtag functions on Twitter (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Giro, Ann-Kristin: "Nice and toasty, sweet chocolate roast-y." Rhymes in advertising on Instagram and their impact on customers - a linguistic case study of Starbucks (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Hauser, Lorena: Metaphors used in Republican and Democratic political speeches - A corpus-based cognitive analysis (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Hippert, Tobias: A corpus-based investigation of clefts in English (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Künzer, Alica: Spokenness on Twitter (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Lomnicki, Maik: Phonological and morphological aspects of borrowing English words with a focus on Polish speakers (first supervisor) (Master thesis)

Mann, Jonas: Presidential Campaigning on Twitter, A lexico-pragmatic Investigation of Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's Twitter Discourse around the 2016 Election (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Manno, Selina: Phonology-based Humor in the Sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Müller, Lisa: A corpus-based investigation of clefts in American English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Nthuru König, Gisela: Now, Now Now and Just Now: A study of the Temporal Dexis in South African English (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Villalba Aponte Natalie Alejandra: Perceptions of Vocal Fry Register in English by German Native Speakers (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Vollmar, Laura: "J'bakerai un cake": A structural analysis of English-based lexems in Chiac (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Weiß, Christin: "This goal is just a milestone on this journey" - Crisis Managment on Social Media - a Critical Discourse Analysis of H&M(second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Wilhelm, Stefanie: Corporate online identity - a multimodal discourse analysis of corporate websites & corporate social media profiles on Linkedin (second supervisor) (MA thesis)


Fohmann, Lisa: Performing identity through humor on 9GAG (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Giebel, Drees: A Discourse Analysis of Video Games (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Heilmann, Selina: The Creation of Humour and the Role of Conversational Maxims in the TV-series 'Modern Family' (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Kage, Lisa: A corpus-based study of lexical innovations in 'How I Met Your Mother' (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Kefala, Katerina: The pragmatics of fashion advertising (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Künzer, Alica: Spokenness on Twitter (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Müller, Theresa: The discourse of emotion in American television: A case study (second supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Neumann, Dana: Conceptual Metaphors: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Parlagaschwili, Nini: Aspects of meaning in autistic language. An investigation of the Netflix sho 'Atypical' (first supervisor) (Bachelor thesis)

Puhl, Maike: A comparison of inversion structures in English (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Quint, Marius: Issues in Second Language Acquisition with Regard to Intonation (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Rausch, Tamara: Sociolinguistics and issues of intergenerational language transmission in the area of sound change (first supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Rück, Rebecca: Controversial Topics in English Morphology (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)

Weiland, Isabelle: Expert identity in YouTube Tutorials - a corpus-based discourse study (second supervisor) (Staatsexamen thesis)