About Us

Systems theory and control engineering are among the basic engineering disciplines. They are dedicated to the mathematical description, analysis and synthesis of dynamic systems.
The Chair for Systems Theory and Automatic Control represents the subject in the engineering courses at Saarland University. It teaches the basics of modeling, especially for mechatronic systems, as well as system analysis and control synthesis, as well as in-depth knowledge in research-related areas of system theory and control engineering. The theoretical-methodological content of the lectures and exercises is supplemented by applications in internships and theses.
The following typical questions are examined in research:
- mathematical modeling,
- structural analysis,
- ID,
- Simulation,
- design of controls and regulations,
- observer design and fault diagnosis,
- as well as development of methods for their implementation and technical realization.
System classes considered include non-linear (finite-dimensional) systems as well as linear and non-linear systems with distributed parameters or with dead times.
In addition to maintaining and further developing the theory, the chair is also dedicated to using the methods developed to solve scientifically demanding problems, especially in the technological field. Important areas of current application-related research work are
- electric drives and generators,
- electromagnetic bearings,
- mobile robotics,
- hydraulics,
- and shape memory actuators.
As basic disciplines, system theory and control engineering are open to application and interdisciplinary cooperation with various university and non-university partners is natural. The focal points result from the classification in the field of Systems Engineering.