New product development laboratory


Digitalisation, globalisation, sustainability are just a few trends that are already changing society today and will continue to transform it far into the future. The (digital) new product development lab offers a platform for research and teaching to learn and further develop methods and tools to actively shape this transformation.



New product development is one of the key processes for enabling companies to compete in the market and start-ups to successfully establish themselves there.  The phenomenon is now further amplified by digital transformation, which increases both complexity and potential through intensive data integration. The new product development lab makes it possible to collect and analyse behavioural data over time. This allows the process steps in the start-up and R&D management context to be studied in more detail. Topics include the phenomena of decision-making behaviour in the product development context, integration of AI for design development, customer involvement up to market entry, and gamification.



The lab offers the opportunity to learn methods and tools from new product development through the development of products. Students use agile project management and design thinking approaches to realise product ideas.



Das Ziel des Labors ist es durch seine Aktivitäten die Zukunft aktiv mit zu gestalten. Zu diesem Zweck arbeitet es eng mit Entrepreneuren, Innovatoren und Pionieren aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammen, um die Transformation der Gesellschaft regional und international zu verstehen und voranzutreiben.