
Guest lecture and poetry reading: Ciaran M. Berry, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, "Transatlantic Correspondence: Poems"

The Irish Semester <www.uni-saarland.de/theirishsemester>

Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner, North American Literary and Cultural Studies presents

Ciaran M. Berry, Trinity College, Hartford, CT

"Transatlantic Correspondence: Poems"

Thursday, January 20th, 10 am - 12, C 5 3; Room 120


Poetry Reading

5 pm, Campus, C 5 3, Fachbibliothek Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Ciaran Berry is an Irish poet who has spent the last decade living, writing,
and teaching in the United States. His first full-length collection of poetry,
The Sphere of Birds, was published in 2008 by Southern Illinois University
Press in North America and by The Gallery Press in Ireland and the UK. His
work has also been featured in The Best of Irish Poetry, Best American
, Pushcart Prize XXXIII: Best of the Small Presses, and Best New

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