
Guest lecture > The Global Compact on Refugees: Implications for Local Migration Policies

Prof . Dr. Marciana Popescu

Fordham University New York

Öffentlicher Gastvortrag


Prof. Dr. Marciana Popescu

Fordham University, New York


The Global Compact on Refugees: Implications for Local Migration Policies


20. März 2018, 16:15 Uhr

Universität des Saarlandes, Gebäude C5 3, Raum 1.20


Building on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework adopted in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016), the Zero Draft of the Global Compact on Refugees (released on January 31, 2018) stresses the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach, specifically indicating the plans to establish a global academic alliance. The universities are thus placed at the center of a strategy of reconfiguration of migration policies. This is an opportunity for scholars at all levels to engage in a global dialogue across disciplines and national borders, on the role of higher education institutions in promoting and supporting safe migration – particularly as it pertains to asylum seeking, family reunification, and integration and inclusion. Dr. Popescu will explore some factors contributing to effective collaborations between universities and other stake-holders (locally and globally) to apply the Zero Draft strategy and have a significant positive impact on forced migration policies and practice.

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