
Tag der offenen Tür / Open House at Saarland University

This year's Open House will take place online...

This year's Tag der offenen Tür / Open House event will take place online, and the Department of English will of course be there! We will be introducing our department, its interest areas and its staff for the duration of the event. You'll also have the opportunity to ask us questions via more than one live chat. There will even be an online language quiz so that you can show your true mettle.

The programme, including all contact details and video links, will be available here: www.uni-saarland.de/infotag

You are also welcome to share the event "Virtueller Tag der offenen Tür der Universität des Saarlandes" with your friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/724881278250584/

We look forward to "seeing" you there!

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