Professor Mohamed Kerrou

Mohamed Kerrou is Professor emeritus for Political Science at Université de Tunis El-Manar, and Member of the Académie tunisienne des sciences, des lettres et des arts “Beit El Hikma” in Carthago. His current fields of study are comparative politics in North Africa and the Middle East; Islam and politics in the contemporary world; Islamism, women and new public spheres; and the relationship of public policies, state and society in the Mediterranean countries.
– Selected publications: Public et privé en Islam. Espaces, autorités et libertés. Paris 2002: Maisonneuve & Larose; D’Islam et d’ailleurs: hommage à Clifford Geertz. Tunis 2008: Cérès Éditions; Hijâb. Nouveaux voiles et espaces publics. Tunis 2010: Cérès Éditions; L’Autre révolution. Tunis 2018: Cérès Éditions.