Lisa Festag
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Lisa Festag
Universität des Saarlandes
FR Psychologie
Campus A2 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Raum 2.21.1
Telefon (+49) 681/ 302 58095
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
- Neurocognition of memory (especially associative memory)
- Methods of cognitive neuroscience
2015-2018: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Psychology, Saarland University
2018-2021: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Psychology, Saarland University
11/2016 - 07/2018: Tutor for Quantitative Methods, General Psychology and Methodology Unit, Saarland University
09/2017 - 10/2017: Research intern, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, Motivation Lab, Ruhr-University Bochum
04/2018 - 06/2018: Research intern, General Psychology and Methodology Unit, Research Group “Brain and Cognition”, Saarland University
10/2018 - 09/2020: Student research assistant, General Psychology and Methodology Unit, Research Group “Brain and Cognition”, Saarland University
07/2021 - 10/2021: Intern, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Saarland University Hospital, Homburg
Since oct 2021: PhD position, DFG project “Nature, stability and integration of associations acquired by means of fast mapping”, Experimental Neuropsychology Unit, Saarland University
- WS 2022/2023 – SS23: Empirical research seminar in experimental neuropsychology (Empiriepraktikum), B.Sc.Psychologie
- WS 2023/2024: Seminar 'Data analysis with R I', B.Sc.Psychologie
Conference Contributions
Festag, L., Zaiser, A. K., Meyer, P., & Bader, R. (2023, March). Associations acquired by means of fast mapping are less flexible when critical preconditions are fulfilled. Poster presented at the 3rd edition of the Recollection, Familiarity and Novelty (RFN) Conference, Liège, Belgium.
Festag, L., Tarantini, L., Mecklinger, A., & Bader, R. (2023, March). Context modulates discrepancy attribution processes: Evidence from the word frequency mirror effect. Poster presented at the 3rd edition of the Recollection, Familiarity and Novelty (RFN) Conference, Liège, Belgium.