Dr. Véronique Huffer

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Dr. Véronique Huffer

Universität des Saarlandes
FR Psychologie

Campus A2 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken


Raum 2.10
Telefon (+49) 681/ 302 64322




Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

  • Neurocognition of memory (esp. associative memory) in young and old adults
  • Electrophysiological methods


  • 2012-2015: Undergraduate studies (B.Sc.) in Psychology, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany
  • 2015-2017: Master studies (M.Sc.) in Neuropsychology, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany
  • 2017-2022: PhD in Psychology, Saarland University, Germany. Dissertation: “Action without meaning?” – Action Relationships as bottom-up unitization approach and its influence on the age-related associative memory deficit – behavioral and electrophysiological evidence


  • Apr 2014: Intern, Institute of Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Medicine and Sexology (IVS), Fürth, Germany
  • Sep 2014: Scientific assistant, Social Psychology, University Bamberg, Germany
  • Jan - Sep 2015: Scientific assistant, Psychology I – Developmental Psychology, University Bamberg, Germany
  • Feb - Mar 2015: Intern, clinical Center Nuremberg Nord, Psychosomatic day-care hospital 55+
  • Feb - Mar 2016: Intern, clinical Center Bamberg, ambulatory neurological rehabilitation and stationary geriatric rehabilitation
  • Apr 2015 - Jul 2017: Tutor, Developmental Psychology, University Bamberg
  • Oct 2015 - Jul 2017: Scientific assistant, Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostic, University Bamberg
  • Feb - Apr 2017: Research Intern, Experimental Neuropsychology Unit, Saarland University
  • Oct. 2017 - July 2022: PhD Position, DFG project “Unitization shapes episodic memory: Effects of bottom-up unitization on associative recognition and its electrophysiological correlates in young and old adults and in cortical lesion patients”, Experimental Neuropsychology Unit, Saarland University in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel
  • Sept. 2022: two-week summer school Cognitive Neuroscience Skills Training in Cambridge (COGNESTIC), MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge.
  • Since August 2022: Research Associate, Experimental Psychology Unit, Saarland University




  • SS 2019: Seminar "Neurokognitive Aspekte des Lehrens und Lernens", B.Sc.Psychologie
  • WS 2019/2020: Vertiefungsseminar "Kognitive Neuropsychologie", M.Sc.Psychologie
  • SS 2020: Seminar "Neurokognitive Aspekte des Lehrens und Lernens", B.Sc.Psychologie
  • WS 2020/2021: Vertiefungsseminar "Kognitive Neuropsychologie", M.Sc.Psychologie
  • SS 2021: Seminar "Neurokognitive Aspekte des Lehrens und Lernens“, B.Sc. Psychologie
  • WS 2021/2022: Vertiefungsseminar "Kognitive Neuropsychologie", M.Sc. Psychologie
  • SS2022: TD2: "EKPs in der klinischen Forschung“,M.Sc. Psychologie
  • WS 2022/2023: Vertiefungsseminar “Kognitive Neuropsychologie”, M.Sc. Psychologie
  • WS 2022/2023: Vorlesung “Kognitive Neuropsychologie”, M.Sc. Psychologie
  • SS 2023: Seminar "Neurokognitive Aspekte des Lehrens und Lernens", B.Sc. Psychologie


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)


Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2022). Can the elderly take the action?–The influence of unitization induced by action relationships on the associative memory deficit. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107655.


Published Abstracts


2023: Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2023). Does that make sense? – The impact of semantic relationships between object pairs on the age-related associative memory deficit. In Brain and Cognition (Vol. 140, Supplement).



Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2019). It’s time for Action! – Does the presence of an action relationship reduce the associative memory deficit?. In Brain and Cognition (Vol. 137, Supplement).


Conference Contributions


Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2023). Does that make sense? – The impact of semantic relationships between object pairs on the age-related associative memory deficit. Poster presented at the 3rd edition of the Recollection, Familiarity and Novelty Conference (RFN) in Liège, Belgium.


Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2021). Can you remember what you can do? – The impact of action relationships as bottom-up unitization approach on the associative memory deficit. Poster presented at the “46. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn online” in Tübingen, Germany.


Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2019). It’s time for Action! – Does the presence of an action relationship reduce the associative memory deficit? Poster presented at the 2nd edition of the Recollection, Familiarity and Novelty Conference (RFN) in Liège, Belgium.