Publikationsliste (seit 2007)
- Diederichsen, A. (2011). VC HR—Eine transaktionskostentheoretische Diskussion personalwirtschaftlich relevanter Virtual Communities. Universaar.
- Groß, F. (2022). Text Mining im Personalmanagement. Eine Analyse der Anwendungspotenziale und Entwicklung eines Integrationskonzepts. Springer Gabler.
- Müller, D. (2012). Design characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments. A theoretical integration and empirical test of technology acceptance and IS success research. Springer Fachmedien.
- Niklas, S. (2015). Akzeptanz und Nutzung mobiler Applikationen. Springer Gabler.
- Piazza, F. (2010). Data Mining im Personalmanagement. Eine Analyse des Einsatzpotenzials von Data Mining zur Entscheidungsunterstützung im Personalmanagement. Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S. (2008). Informationssysteme im Personalmanagement: Architektur - Funktionalität - Anwendung. Vieweg + Teubner.
- Theres, C. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of digital Human Resource Management. An exploratory Meta-analytic Structural Equation Modeling (E-MASEM) approach to a multifaceted phenomenon. Springer Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S. (Hrsg.). (2022). Handbook of research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (Hrsg.). (2015). Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics. Grundlagen, Anbieter, Erfahrungen und Trends. Springer Gabler.
- Burgard, M., & Piazza, F. (2008). Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Systems. In T. Torres-Corronas & M. Arias-Olivas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM (pp. 223–229). IGI.
- Diederichsen, A. (2008). Conception, categorization, and impact of HR-relevant Virtual Communities. In T. Torres-Coronas & M. Arias-Olivas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM (pp. 154–160). IGI.
- Fettke, P., & Strohmeier, S. (2022). HR Robotic Process Automation. In S. Strohmeier (Ed.), Handbook of research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management (pp. 187–206). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Gross, F. (2022). HR Machine Learning on Text Data. In S. Strohmeier (Ed.), Handbook of research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management (pp. 46–67). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Piazza, F. (2015). Systeme der Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics. In S. Strohmeier & F. Piazza (Hrsg.), Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics (pp. 89–126). Springer Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S. (2008). Portal technology in HRM. In T. Torres-Corronas & M. Arias-Olivas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM (pp. 823–829). IGI.
- Strohmeier, S. (2009). Div. Stichworte “eHRM / Einzelplatzsystem / ERP-Systeme / Informationstechnik / Personalinformationssysteme”. In C. Scholz (Hrsg.), Vahlens Großes Personallexikon (pp. 265–268, 280, 312, 496, 888–889). Vahlen.
- Strohmeier, S. (2012). Prozessorientiertes Personalmanagement—dynamische Reorientierung betrieblicher Personalarbeit? In V. Stein & S. Müller (Hrsg.), Aufbruch des strategischen Personalmanagements in die Dynamisierung (pp. 284–290). Nomos.
- Strohmeier, S. (2013). Big Data in the HR function—Does it really exist and is it really useful? In HRZone (Hrsg.), HR technology—Theoretical and practical insights from leading European and International academics (pp. 12–15). o.O.
- Strohmeier, S. (2014). Research approaches in e-HRM: Categorization and analysis. In F. Martinez-López (Ed.), Handbook of strategic e-Business Management (pp. 605–632). Springer.
- Strohmeier, S. (2014). Sustainable electronic Human Resource Management—Why Information Technology matters in sustainable Human Resource Management. In J. Zentes & C. Scholz (Eds.), Beyond sustainability (pp. 220–244). Nomos.
- Strohmeier, S. (2015). Analysen der Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics. In S. Strohmeier & F. Piazza (Hrsg.), Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics (pp. 3–48). Springer Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S. (2017). Big HR Data—Konzept zwischen Akzeptanz und Ablehnung. In W. Jochmann, I. Böckenholt, & S. Diestel (Hrsg.), HR-Exzellenz: Innovative Ansätze in Leadership und Transformation (pp. 339–355). Springer Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S. (2020). Digitalisation technologies. In T. Bondarouk & S. Fisher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of electronic HRM (pp. 14–19). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Strohmeier, S. (2020b). Algorithmic Decision Making in HRM. In T. Bondarouk & S. Fisher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of electronic HRM (pp. 54–60). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Strohmeier, S. (2020). Sustainable electronic HRM. In T. Bondarouk & S. Fisher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of electronic HRM (pp. 138–143). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Strohmeier, S. (2020). Big Data in HRM. In T. Bondarouk & S. Fisher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of electronic HRM (pp. 259–264). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Strohmeier, S. (2022). Artifical Intelligence in Human Resources—An introduction. In S. Strohmeier (Ed.), Handbook of research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management (pp. 1–22). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Strohmeier, S. (2022). HR Machine Learning—An introduction. In S. Strohmeier (Ed.), Handbook of research on Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management (pp. 25–45). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2011). Web Mining as a novel approach in e-HRM research. In T. Bondarouk, H. J. M. Ruël, & J. C. Looise (Eds.), Electronic HRM in theory and practice (Advanced series in management (Vol. VIII, pp. 41–53). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2015). Prozesse der Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics. In S. Strohmeir & F. Piazza (Hrsg.), Human resource intelligence und analytics (pp. 49–88). Springer Gabler.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2015). Artificial Intelligence techniques in Human Resource Management—A conceptual exploration. In C. Kahraman & S. Ç. Onar (Eds.), Intelligent techniques in engineering management (pp. 149–172). Springer International Publishing.
- Strohmeier, S., Piazza, F., & Neu, C. (2015). Trends der Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics. In S. Strohmeier & F. Piazza (Hrsg.), Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics (pp. 339–368). Springer Gabler.
Zeitschriftenbeiträge (begutachtet)
- Böhm, S., Jäger, W., & Niklas, S. (2011). Mobile Applikationen im Recruiting und Personalmarketing. Wirtschaftsinformatik und Management, 04, 14–23.
- Diederichsen, A. (2008). Let’s do HR-IT! A vision at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. Case (ECCH Reference No. 309-155-1).
- Diederichsen, A. (2008). Let’s do HR-IT! A vision at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. Teaching Note (ECCH Reference No. 309-155-8).
- Loos, P., Strohmeier, S., Piller, G., & Schütte, R. (2012). Comments on “In-memory Databases in Business Information Systems". Business & Information Systems Engineering, 4(4), 213–223.
- Müller, D., & Strohmeier, S. (2010). Design characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments: An expert study. International Journal of Training and Development, 14(3), 209–222.
- Mueller, D., & Strohmeier, S. (2011). Design characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments: State of research. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2505–2516.
- Müller, D., & Zimmermann, V. (2009). A learner-centered design, implementation, and evaluation approach of Learning Environments to foster acceptance. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 2(3), 50–57.
- Niklas, S. J., & Böhm, S. (2011). Applying mobile technologies for personnel recruiting—An analysis of user-sided acceptance factors. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 3(1), 169–178.
- Strohmeier, S. (2007). Research in e-HRM: Review and implications. Human Resource Management Review, 17(1), 19–37.
- Strohmeier, S. (2009). Concepts of e-HRM consequences: A categorization, review and suggestion. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(3), 528–543.
- Strohmeier, S. (2010). Electronic portfolios in recruiting? A conceptual analysis of usage. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), 268–280.
- Strohmeier, S. (2012). Assembling a big mosaic—A review of recent books on electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 26(3), 282–294.
- Strohmeier, S. (2013). Employee Relationship Management—Realizing competitive advantage through information technology? Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 93–104.
- Strohmeier, S. (2018). Smart HRM—A Delphi study on the application and consequences of the Internet of Things in Human Resource Management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Strohmeier, S. (2020). Digital Human Resource Management: A conceptual clarification. German Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Strohmeier, S., Collet, J., & Kabst, R. (2022). (How) do advanced data and analyses enable HR analytics success? A neo-configurational analysis. Baltic Journal of Management, 17(3), 285–303.
- Strohmeier, S., & Groß, F. (2020). Designing an architecture description language for nontechnical actors and purposes (NOTE-ADL). Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 33(3), 482–501.
- Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2009). Organizational adoption of e-HRM in Europe. An empirical exploration of adoption factors. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(6), 482–501.
- Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2012). Evaluating major Human Resource Information Systems design characteristics—An empirical study. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 9(3), 328–342.
- Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2014). Configurations of e-HRM—An empirical exploration. Employee Relations, 36(4), 333–353.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2010). Informating HRM: A comparison of Data Querying and Data Mining. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 5(2), 186–197.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2013). Domain driven Data Mining in Human Resource Management: A review of current research. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(7), 2410–2420.
- Strohmeier, S., Majstorovic, D., Piazza, F., & Theres, C. (2016). Smart HRM—das „Internet der Dinge“ im Personalmanagement. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 53(6), 838–850.
- Strohmeier, S. & Röhrs, F. (2017). Conceptual Modeling in Human Resource Management: A design research approach. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 9(1), 34–58.
- Böhm, S., & Niklas, S. J. (2012, May 31–June 2). Mobile recruiting: Insights from a survey among German HR managers [Paper presentation]. SIGMIS-CPR '12: 2012 Computers and People Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
- Diederichsen, A. (2010, May 20–21). Human Resource Management-relevant virtual community research: Review and outlook [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Academic Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management, Bamberg, Germany.
- Müller, D., Diederichsen, A., Gasper, C., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, September 20–23). A model for assessing the success of virtual talent communities [Paper presentation]. 6th European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011, Palermo, Italy.
- Müller, D., Law, L.-C. E., & Strohmeier, S. (2010, October 17). Analysis of the persuasiveness of user experience feedback on a Virtual Learning Environment [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on the Interplay between User Experience and Software Development (I-UxSED 2010), Reykjavik, Iceland. Download
- Müller, D., & Strohmeier, S. (2010, September 28–October 1). Developing and validating a rigorous and relevant model of VLE success: A learner perspective [Paper presentation]. 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning EC-TEL 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
- Müller, D., Strohmeier, S., & Gasper, C. (2010, May 20–21). HRIS design characteristics: Towards a general research framework [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Academic Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management, Bamberg, Germany.
- Müller, D., & Diederichsen, A. (2011, June 9–11). Design characteristics of virtual talent communities: A cross-national, talent-focused, exploratory requirements analysis [Paper presentation]. 19th European Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki, Finland.
- Müller, D., Heintz, M., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, July 6–8). System- and information-related success drivers of Virtual Learning Environments [Paper presentation]. ICALT 2011, 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, GA, USA.
- Niklas, S. J. (2011, May). Mobile is success in personnel marketing: A consumer-based analysis of quality and perceived value [Paper presentation]. SIGMIS-CPR '11: 49th SIGMIS annual conference on computer personnel research, San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Niklas, S. J., & Böhm, S. (2011, November 20–25 ). Increasing usage intention of mobile information services via mobile tagging [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Niklas, S. J., Böhm, S., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, June 20–21). Faulty results by neglecting mobile service usage context [Paper presentation]. ECRM 2011—10th European Conference on Research Methods for Business and Management Studies, Caen, France.
- Niklas, S. J., Böhm, S., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, October 14–15). Information System success and individual usage intention of mobile innovations [Paper presentation]. ICSSS 2011—2011 International Conference on Social Sciences and Society, Shanghai, China.
- Niklas, S. J., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, January 4–7). Exploring the impact of usefulness and enjoyment on mobile service acceptance: A comparative study [Paper presentation]. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA.
- Niklas, S. J., Strohmeier, S., & Böhm, S. (2012, March). Mobile job board applications—Which are the key success factors? A literature review and conceptual framework [Paper presentation]. 4th international eHRM workshop: Innovation, Creativity and eHRM, Nottingham, UK.
- Piazza, F., & Strohmeier, S. (2011, December 11–14). Domain-driven Data Mining in Human Resource Management: A review [Paper presentation]. ICDM 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Vancouver, Canada.
- Piazza, F., & Röhrs, F. (2013, July 4–7). Bridging the gap between multidimensional business problem formulation and the implementation of Multidimensional Data Models [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Angers, France.
- Piazza, F., Röhrs, F., & Strohmeier, S. (2014, February 26–28). COMET: From HR management concepts to HR Data Warehouse implementation [Paper presentation]. MKWI 2014—Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Paderborn, Germany.
- Strohmeier, S. (2009, May 6–7). Convergence or divergence in global e-HRM? General foundations and basic propositions [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, Milan, Italy.
- Strohmeier, S. (2012, March 28–29). Design research in e-HRM: An outline, example and discussion [Paper presentation]. 4th International eHRM Conference: Innovation, Creativity and eHRM, Nottingham, UK.
- Strohmeier, S., & Burgard, M. (2007, June 20–22). Business intelligence: Framework and state-of-the-art of empirical research [Paper presentation]. 8th International Business Information Management Association Conference 2007—Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues & Solutions, Dublin, Ireland.
- Strohmeier, S., Gasper, C., & Müller, D. (2011, October, 4–7). Entwicklung und Evaluation semantischer Jobportale—Ein "Design Science"-Ansatz [Paper presentation]. 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) Informatik schafft Communities, Berlin, Germany.
- Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2007, June 12–16). Do current HRIS meet the requirements of HRM? An empirical evaluation using logistic regression and neural network analysis [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, Funchal, Portugal.
- Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2008, May). Adoption of e-HRM in Europe. An examination of economic and institutional determinants [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Academic Workshop on e-HRM, Marseille, France.
- Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (2008, June 12–16). Informating HRM through "Data Mining"? A conceptual evaluation [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain.
- Strohmeier, S., Piazza, F., Majstorovic, D., & Schreiner, J. (2016). Smart HRM—Eine Delphi-Studie zur Zukunft der digitalen Personalarbeit („HRM 4.0“).
- Müller, D., Diederichsen, A., Gasper, C., & Strohmeier, S. (2011). A model for assessing the success of Virtual Talent Communities (MIS Report 1-2011).
- Müller, D., Heintz, M., & Strohmeier, S. (2011). System- and information-related success drivers of Virtual Learning Environments (MIS Report 2-2011).
Strohmeier, S.: Informationssysteme im Personalmanagement
Verlag: Vieweg+Teubner
Ersch.-Jahr: 2008
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-13: 978-3834803108
Theres, C.: Antecedents and Consequences of Digital Human Resource Management.
Verlag: Springer Gabler
Ersch.-Jahr: 2021
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-13: 978-3658351151
Müller, D.: Design Characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments
Verlag: Springer Gabler
Ersch.-Jahr: 2013
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-13: 978-3658003913
Piazza, F.: Data Mining im Personalmanagement
Verlag: Gabler
Ersch.-Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-13: 978-3834922205
Strohmeier, S., & Piazza, F. (Hrsg.): Human Resource Intelligence und Analytics
Verlag: Springer Gabler
Ersch.-Jahr: 2015
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-13: 978-3658035952
Niklas, S.: Akzeptanz und Nutzung mobiler Applikationen
Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Ersch.-Jahr: 2015
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-13: 978-3658082635
Diederichsen, A.: VC HR – Eine transaktionskostentheoretische Diskussion personalwirtschaftlich relevanter Virtual Communities
Verlag: universaar
Ersch.-Jahr: 2011
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3862230244
ISBN-13: 978-3862230242
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