Elections to the 69th Student Parliament

Elections to the 69th Student Parliament 2023

Welcome to the website for the elections to the Student Parliament of Saarland University.

The elections for the 69th Student Parliament of Saarland University will take place from June 19 to 23, 2023.

Vote online now!

Note: The link above will take you to the online voting. In order to gain access to this and to be able to cast your vote online, you must enter your individual pin and tan combination. This legitimizes you. The personal pin-tan combination will be sent to your student e-mail address before the election.

If you have not received your pin-tan combination, please contact the election administration immediately: wahlleitung(at)stupa-wahl.de. Please include your first name, last name, subject and matriculation number in your request.

If you have any other questions about the election, please contact the election administration: wahlleitung@stupa-wahl.de. Alternatively, you can write to us via direct message. You can reach us at teams under the identifier: s9mhthie.

Communications of the election officer

Contact the election management

Election Officer: Dipl-Jur. Matthias M. Thielen

German version of the election website

Candidates and lists

The list of candidates and lists as well as information about them can be found on the German version of the election website

Eligibility to vote and exercise of the right to vote

All students who are enrolled at Saarland University in the summer semester (deadline April 1, 2023) are eligible to vote. All eligible students are assigned to one constituency. Students enrolled in more than one major may apply to the election administration to change their assigned constituency.

Eligible voters may exercise their right to vote actively and passively. To exercise the active right to vote, votes must be cast at election times either electronically or by mail in accordance with the requirements of the election regulations.

The passive right to vote is exercised by standing as a candidate. For list or direct candidacy, a written application must be submitted to the election officer for the elections to the 69th Student Parliament of Saarland University.

For the elections to the 69th Student Parliament, election proposals can be submitted until June 2, 2023 (submission deadline).


The forms require the use of Microsoft Word.

General and procedure of the election

The elections will take place from June 19 to 23, 2023 in electronic form (internet-based online election). The election software uniWahl and the online voting system (OWS) from the external service provider Electric Paper are used to conduct the 69th StuPa elections.

Electronic voting by a person entitled to vote requires prior authentication via a pin-tan combination, which will be sent to your student email address in advance. If you have not received an e-mail, please contact the electoral administration (wahlleitung@stupa-wahl.de) immediately, stating your last name, first name, your field of study and your matriculation number. Useful FAQs on the electronic voting process can be found below: To the FAQs The electronic voting option starts on June 19 at 8:00 a.m. and ends on June 23 at 3:00 p.m. Electronic voting can be done using the person entitled to vote's own device (smartphone, PC, laptop, etc.).

For more information, see the election website. The elections to the student parliament elect the members of the 69th student parliament and the member of the 69th general student committee responsible for the Homburg campus. The student parliament consists of 33 members (Art. 7 Para. 1 SdS in conjunction with § 1 Para. 2 WO-StuPa). Of these, 13 are elected on the basis of direct nominations in constituencies (majority elections) and 20 on the basis of list nominations (proportional representation). Elections are held in four constituencies: Constituency 1 (Faculty R and the Department of Economics of the Faculty HW) Direct mandates: 3 Constituency 2 (Faculty M) direct mandates: 2 Constituency 3 (Faculty P and Faculty HW except for the Department of Economics) Direct mandates: 4 Constituency 4 (Faculty MI, Faculty NT and Studienkolleg) Direct mandates: 4


The persons entitled to vote have been entered in the registers of eligible voters (electoral roll) as of the cut-off date (April 1, 2023). The electoral roll is created in electronic form from the official and current student statistics of the General Student Secretariat.

Every person entitled to vote has the right to inspect the electoral roll until May 29, 2023. Anyone who considers the electoral roll to be incorrect or inaccurate may raise objections to it with the election officer within this period.

Please note that only students who are listed in the electoral roll can vote in the election. Therefore, please check your eligibility to vote.

The request to inspect the electoral roll must be sent by e-mail to the election officer (wahlleitung@stupa-wahl.de). The request must include the surname, first name, date of birth and matriculation number of the person entitled to vote and the person making the request.

StuPa election briefly explained!

What is the Student Parliament?

The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest body of the constituted student body. It consists of 33 members, 13 of whom are directly elected.

In general, it is the task of the student body (which is divided into student councils) to represent the professional, economic, cultural and social interests of the students, to take a stand on university policy issues, to promote the political, intellectual and artistic education of the students and to maintain university sports as well as national and international contacts.

While the student council represents in particular the subject-related interests of the students of a subject area, the StuPa is responsible for the following tasks in particular:

  • The most important task of the parliament is the election and control of the General Student Committee (AStA). 
  • In addition to this, there are other important tasks for the "general" representation of the interests of the student body, such as the amendment of the statutes of the student body or the election of representatives in important bodies of the university.

Further information here

Why elect a student parliament?

The student body at Saarland University is a so-called constituted student body because its association is stipulated in the Saarland Higher Education Act (SHSG).

Section 83 of the SHSG states: "The students enrolled at the university form a legally responsible body of the university with the right of self-administration (student body). 

To exercise this right of self-administration, bodies are to be established which represent the interests of the students within the scope of their self-administration competence. The organs of the student body are the student parliament, the general student committee and the council of elders. The right to vote for the organs of the student body is exercised in free, equal and secret elections according to the principles of personalized proportional representation. 

With the election of the student parliament, you elect your representation of interests, which has to stand up for your concerns and interests! This includes, for example, the negotiation of the semester ticket and its implementation with the transport companies by the AStA appointed by the StuPa. As this example already shows, the election of the student parliament has a great influence on your studies and your possibilities as a student. 

Therefore, use your right to vote!

§ 83 SHSG

Election regulations of the student body

What is the difference to the Fachschaft, the AStA or the Ältestenrat?

The student body (i.e. all enrolled students) is initially divided into so-called student councils:

These student councils are elected separately from the student parliament within the framework of the so-called student council elections. They form your subject-specific representation of interests specifically for the course of study in which you are enrolled. Accordingly, only the students of the respective study program are eligible to vote for their student council. The student parliament, on the other hand, represents your interdisciplinary interests by electing and controlling the AStA.
Or to explain it with the wording of the law: The student councils take care of the students' subject-related concerns and university-political interests in their area. They advise the students and contribute to the promotion of study matters (cf. § 83 para. 2 SHSG).

The General Student Committee (AStA) is the executive body of the representation of interests elected by the student parliament. It could also be called the executive of the constituted student body. It represents the student body externally and is responsible in particular for the implementation of the budget adopted by the student parliament. 
It is controlled by the student parliament.

The task of the Council of Elders is to settle disputes, control and advise the other bodies. Upon request, it checks in particular the elections to the bodies of the student body and also intervenes mediatively in disputes between or within the bodies. 




How does electronic voting (online voting) work?

From June 19, at 8am, you can access the online voting booth via the link on this page. You can use a personal device (smartphone, PC, laptop, etc.) for this purpose. Alternatively, you can cast your electronic vote at one of the two polling stations in Saarbrücken or Homburg on the devices provided for this purpose. Information on the locations of the polling stations and the opening hours can be found on this website in a timely manner. Voting can be done digitally via an online voting booth with any internet-enabled device. For this we use the software from the manufacturer Electric Paper. Before you get access to the digital voting booth, a technical check is carried out to determine whether you are entitled to vote (authentication). If this is the case, you will be forwarded accordingly. Authentication takes place in the form of a PIN and a TAN. This individual PIN-TAN combination gives you access to the online voting booth and you can cast your vote electronically. The access data will be sent to your student email address. You will also receive the link to the online voting booth with your PIN-TAN combination. Access will also be linked via a button on the election website from June 19, 2023. Please treat the access data sent to you confidentially. These are assigned anonymously to you on the basis of the electoral register. If problems occur with the authentication, please contact the election administration (wahlleitung@stupa-wahl.de) Before you vote, you will be asked to confirm that you will vote personally - or as an assistant in accordance with the declared will of the person voting - and secretly (voting card, affidavit). Only then will you be forwarded to the voting portal of our service provider Electric Paper. Here, a pseudonym is given to the person entitled to vote and the call is cryptologically secured. It is technically ensured that no assignment can be made between you and your choice. The secrecy of the election is thus ensured on the technical side. It is important that you also pay attention to this when making the selection. Our service provider Electric Paper only receives pseudonymised data from the electoral roll. Personal data will not be transmitted at any time. Your electronic ballot papers are stored in the electronic ballot box. This is encrypted in several steps. There is no connection between the pseudonyms of those eligible to vote and the ballot papers cast. After the end of the election, the ballot box is decrypted and the votes cast are evaluated.

Request for absentee ballot

Voting by post is permitted in accordance with § 24 WO-StuPa. With the issuance of the postal voting documents, the right to cast the vote regularly during the electronic election expires.

An application for a postal vote is possible until May 29, 2023. Absentee ballots must be received by the election administration by June 23, 13:00.

Antrag auf Stimmabgabe durch Brief für die Wahlen zum 70. Studierendenparlament

Angaben zur Person
Hinweise: Wahlberechtigt sind alle immatrikulierten Studierenden der Universität des Saarlandes. Keine immatrikulierten Studierenden in diesem Sinne sind Gasthörer*innen, Zweithörer*nnen, Juniorstudierende und Starterstudierende.

###English version###
Notes: All students enrolled at Saarland University are eligible to vote. Students who are not enrolled in this sense are guest students, secondary students, junior students and starter students.

Hinweis: Alle immatrikulierten Studierenden im Sinne der Wahlordnung sind einem Wahlkreis zugeordnet. In mehreren Hauptfächern immatrikulierte Studierende können bei der Wahlleitung die Änderung ihres zugeordneten Wahlkreises beantragen. Beachten Sie die Informationen auf der Wahlwebseite (oben) zur Einsicht in das Wählerverzeichnis.

###English version###
Note: All enrolled students as defined by the electoral regulations are assigned to one constituency. Students enrolled in more than one major can apply to the electoral administration to change their assigned constituency. Please note the information on the election website (above) on how to view the electoral roll.
Hinweis: Sie können sich Ihre Wahlunterlagen grundsätzlich an die bei der Universität hinterlegte Heimat- oder Semesteranschrift versenden lassen. Auf Antrag (Siehe unten) können Ihre Wahlunterlagen auch an eine alternative Adresse versendet werden.

Wichtig: Weicht Ihre eingegebene Semester- bzw. Heimatanschrift von der bei der Universität entsprechend hinterlegten Adresse ab oder beantragen Sie die Versendung Ihrer Wahlunterlagen an eine alternative Anschrift (Siehe unten), erfolgt eine Mitteilung über die Abweichung bzw. Beantragung an die Ihrer Matrikelnummer zugeordnete universitäre E-Mail-Adresse.

###English version###
Please note: In principle, you can have your election documents sent to the home or semester address deposited with the university. Upon request (see below), your election documents can also be sent to an alternative address.

Important: If your entered semester or home address differs from the address registered with the university or if you request that your election documents be sent to an alternative address (see below), you will be notified of the difference or request to the university e-mail address assigned to your matriculation number.
Hinweis: Beantragen Sie die Versendung Ihrer Wahlunterlagen an eine alternative Anschrift, erfolgt zur Missbrauchsvermeidung eine Mitteilung an die hinterlegte universitäre E-Mail-Adresse, in der auf die Beantragung der alternativen Anschrift hingewiesen wird.

###English version###
Note: If you request that your election documents be sent to an alternative address, a message will be sent to the university e-mail address on file indicating that you have requested the alternative address in order to prevent misuse.
Hinweise & Absenden
Datenschutzhinweise im Zusammenhang mit Ihrem Antrag auf Zusendung von Briefwahlunterlagen im Rahmen der Wahlen zum 70. Studierendenparlament.

Name und Kontaktdaten des für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen:

Der Wahlleiter
Dipl.-Jur. Matthias M. Thielen
E-Mail: matthiasmichael.thielen@uni-saarland.de
Campus Universität des Saarlandes,
Gebäude A 5.2.
66123 Saarbrücken

Kontaktdaten der Datenschutzbeauftragten:

Ralf Lehmann
E-Mail: datenschutz@uni-saarland.de
Standort Meerwiesertalweg
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Zwecke und Rechtsgrundlagen der Datenverarbeitung:

Ihre Daten werden dafür erhoben, um den von Ihnen gestellten Antrag auf Zusendung der Briefwahlunterlagen bearbeiten und durchführen zu können und die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Briefwahl zu gewährleisten.

Ihre Daten werden auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 Satz 1 e), Abs. 3 Satz 1 b) Datenschutz- Grundverordnung (DSGVO) und § 4 Saarländisches Landesdatenschutzgesetz (SDSG) erhoben.

Dauer der Speicherung der personenbezogenen Daten:
Ihre Daten werden bis 10 Tage nach der Wahl zum 70. Studierendenparlament der Universität des Saarlandes gespeichert.


Nach der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung stehen Ihnen folgende Rechte zu:

Werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet, so haben Sie das Recht Auskunft über die zu Ihrer Person gespeicherten Daten zu erhalten (Art. 15 DSGVO).
Sollten unrichtige personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden, steht Ihnen ein Recht auf Berichtigung zu (Art. 16 DSGVO). Liegen die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen vor, so können Sie die Löschung oder Einschränkung der Verarbeitung verlangen sowie Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung einlegen (Art. 17, 18 und 21 DSGVO).
Wenn Sie in die Datenverarbeitung eingewilligt haben oder ein Vertrag zur Datenverarbeitung besteht und die Datenverarbeitung mithilfe automatisierter Verfahren durchgeführt wird, steht Ihnen gegebenenfalls ein Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit zu (Art. 20 DSGVO).

Pflicht zur Angabe der Daten:
Sie sind gem. § 31 Abs. 3 WO verpflichtet, bei der Beantragung der Briefwahlunterlagen folgende personenbezogene Daten anzugeben: Familienname, die Vornamen, der Tag der Geburt, die Matrikelnummer und die Wohnanschrift (Straße, Hausnummer, Postleitzahl, Ort).

Die Nutzung der Kontaktdaten (E-Mail-Adresse und Anschrift) erfolgt ausschließlich zur Korrespondenz im Rahmen der Briefwahlausstellung. Eine anderweitige Nutzung oder Weitergabe Ihrer Daten an Dritte erfolgt nicht.

###English version###
Data protection information in connection with your request to receive postal voting documents in the context of the elections to the 68th Student Parliament.

Name and contact details of the data controller:

The Election Officer
Dipl.-Jur. Matthias M. Thielen
E-mail: matthiasmichael.thielen@uni-saarland.de
Postal address:
Campus Saarland University,
Building A 5.2.
66123 Saarbrücken

Contact details of the data protection officer:

Ralf Lehmann
E-mail: datenschutz@uni-saarland.de
Postal address:
Location Meerwiesertalweg
PO Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Purpose and legal basis of data processing:

Your data is collected in order to be able to process and carry out the application you have made to receive postal voting documents and to ensure that postal voting is carried out properly.

Your data is collected on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 e), Para. 3 Sentence 1 b) Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) and § 4 Saarland State Data Protection Act (SDSG).

Duration of storage of personal data:
Your data will be stored until 10 days after the election to the 70th Student Parliament of Saarland University.

Data subject rights:

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the following rights:

If your personal data is processed, you have the right to receive information about the data stored about you (Art. 15 DSGVO).
If incorrect personal data is processed, you have the right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR). If the legal requirements are met, you may request erasure or restriction of processing as well as object to processing (Art. 17, 18 and 21 DSGVO).
If you have consented to the data processing or if there is a contract for data processing and the data processing is carried out with the help of automated procedures, you may have a right to data portability (Art. 20 DSGVO).

Obligation to provide data:
Pursuant to § 31 Abs.3 WO, you are obliged to provide the following personal data when applying for postal voting documents: Surname, first names, date of birth, matriculation number and residential address (street, house number, postcode, town).

The contact details (e-mail address and postal address) will only be used for correspondence in connection with the postal ballot. Your data will not be used in any other way or passed on to third parties.
Hinweise zum Verlust der Wahlunterlagen:

Bei persönlich verschuldetem Verlust der Briefwahlunterlagen können keine Ersatzunterlagen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Bitte achten Sie daher sorgfältig auf Ihre Unterlagen. Nur im Falle von Nicht-Zustellung der Unterlagen (z.B. Verlust beim Postversand), können Sie neue Unterlagen beantragen. Dem Antrag ist eine Eidesstattliche Versicherung beizufügen, mit der Sie bestätigen, dass die Unterlagen nicht zugestellt wurden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie hierfür zunächst die Wahlleitung. Sollten Sie fehlerhafte Unterlagen erhalten oder die Unterlagen fehlerhaft ausgefüllt haben, können Sie diese gegen neue austauschen. Auch in diesem Fall kontaktieren Sie bitte zunächst die Wahlleitung.

###English version###
Information on the loss of voting documents:

In case of loss of absentee ballot papers due to personal fault, no replacement papers can be provided. Therefore, please take good care of your documents. Only in case of non-delivery of the documents (e.g. loss in the post), you can apply for new documents. The application must be accompanied by an affidavit in which you confirm that the documents have not been delivered. Please contact the election administration first. If you have received incorrect documents or have filled in the documents incorrectly, you can exchange them for new ones. In this case, too, please contact the election administration first.