12.11.2024: Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in)
Am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, ist eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in) (m/w/d) zu besetzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Stellenanzeigen.

22.10.2024: Beitrag zur Veröffentlichung akzeptiert
Der zusammen mit Tobias Krämer (Universität Koblenz Landau) und Welf Weiger (Alfaisal University) verfasste Beitrag "Do all stars shine the same? Investigating the nonlinear effects of user and critic reviews on video game sales" wurde im Journal of Business Research zur Veröffentlichung angenommen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

21.10.2024: JPIM Outstanding Reviewer Award 2023
Professor Heidenreich wurde von der Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) mit dem JPIM Outstanding Reviewer Award 2023 ausgezeichnet.

06.09.2024: Beitrag zur Veröffentlichung akzeptiert
Der zusammen mit Franziska Janz (Universität des Saarlandes), Slawka Jordanow (Universität des Saarlandes) und Juliane Schäfer (Universität des Saarlandes) verfasste Beitrag "Shades of Green Deception - An Empirical Examination of the Consequences of Greenwashing in Innovations" wurde im Journal Creativity and Innovation Management zur Veröffentlichung angenommen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

23.05.2024: Finalist Best Paper Award
Der Konferenzbeitrag "When time flies - Unraveling the temporal effects of passive and active innovation resistance on new service adoption", vorgestellt von Sven Heidenreich, Slawka Jordanow, Tobias Krämer und Martin Obschonka, wurde als Finalist für den Best Paper Award der 18. International Research Conference in Service Management ausgewählt.

22.04.2024: Beitrag zur Veröffentlichung akzeptiert
Der zusammen mit Jan Hendrik Schumann (Universität Passau) und Christian Nagel (Universität Passau) verfasste Beitrag "Enhancing Adoption of Sustainable Product Innovations: Addressing Reduced Performance with Risk-Reducing Product Modifications" wurde im Journal of Business Research zur Veröffentlichung angenommen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

18.02.2024: Beitrag zur Veröffentlichung akzeptiert
Der zusammen mit Slawka Jordanow (Universität des Saarlandes), Tobias Krämer (Universität Koblenz-Landau) und Martin Obschonka (Universität Amsterdam) verfasste Beitrag "Together forever? How customer co-creation affects the adoption of digital service innovations over time" wurde im Journal of Product Innovation Management zur Veröffentlichung angenommen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

10 January 2024: Contribution accepted for publication
The article co-authored with Tobias Röth (University of Kassel), Fiona Schweitzer (Grenoble Ecole de Management) and Patrick Spieth (University of Kassel), "Navigating through Learning Tensions at the Front-End: How Firms can Motivate Paradoxical Thinking when Screening the Creativity of Ideas" has been accepted for publication in the R&D Management Journal. For more information, click here.

27 October 2023: Contribution accepted for publication
The article co-authored with Markus Gröber (EBS Business School), Elena Freisinger (TU Ilmenau) und Sven Henkel (EBS Business School), "How Valuable are Personal Values? Investigating Personal Values and Their Effect on Entrepreneurial Performance" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. For more information, click here.

18 April 2023: Contribution accepted for publication
The article co-authored with Franziska Handrich (Saarland University) und Tobias Krämer (University of Koblenz-Landau), "Flawless Victory! Investigating Search and Experience Qualities as Antecedent Predictors of Video Game Success" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. For more information, click here.
16 December 2022: Economists ranking of WirtschaftsWoche 2022
In the current economist ranking of WirtschaftsWoche, Prof. Dr. Heidenreich is ranked 93st among the most research-intensive business economists from German-speaking countries (2018-2022), as well as 196th in the lifetime achievement ranking (total assessment of all publications to date). As part of the ranking, the publications of 4500 researchers in the field of business administration working at chairs, Fraunhofer Institutes or Max Planck Institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (including post-docs and junior professors) were recorded and evaluated according to the reputation of the publication organ. Further information can be found here.

16 August 2022: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper co-authored with Jan Millemann (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Slawka Jordanow (Saarland University) "Better late than never! Investigating Determinants of and Differences between Temporary and Continuous Innovation Rejection" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

16 August 2022: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "First come, first served - Investigating strategies to overcome consumer leapfrogging behavior", co-authored with Jan F. Killmer (Saarland University), has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

19 April 2022: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "The Dark Side of Business Model Innovation - An Empirical Investigation into the Evolvement of Customer Resistance and the Effectiveness of Potential Countermeasures", co-authored with Elena Freisinger (TU Ilmenau) and Christian Landau (EBS Business School), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Product Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

22 February 2022: Contribution accepted for publication
The article co-authored with Pascal Vermehren (EBS Business School) and Katrin Burmeister-Lamp (EBS Business School), "I am. Therefore, I will? Predicting customers' willingness to co-create using five-factor theory" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Management. For more information, click here.

05 January 2022: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper co-authored with Franziska Handrich (SICK AG) and Tobias Krämer (University of Koblenz-Landau) "Innovate or Game Over? Examining Effects of Product Innovativeness on Video Game Success" has been accepted for publication in the journal Electronic Markets. For more information, click here.

08 October 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "If at first you don't adopt - Investigating determinants of new product leapfrogging behavior", co-authored with Jan Killmer (Saarland University) and Jan Millemann (Eindhoven University of Technology), has been accepted for publication in the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change. For more information, click here.

08 October 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Julian Bauer (Grenoble Ecole de Management), Fiona Schweitzer (Grenoble Ecole de Management) and Tobias Roeth (University of Kassel), "The value of experience-based simulation in garnering support for radically new concepts" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.
01 October 2021: DFG application approved
The Chair of Business Administration, in particular Technology and Innovation Management has been granted the research project "TRIP: The Right Consumer for Integration in New Product Development - An Empirical Investigation into the Effectiveness of Lead Users, Passive Resistors and Emergent Nature Consumers" by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Further information can be found here.

26 September 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Carolin Stockkamp (Saarland University), Juliane Schäfer (Saarland University), and Jan Millemann (Eindhoven University of Technology), "Identifying Factors Associated with Consumers' Adoption of e-Mobility - A systematic Literature," has been accepted for publication in the Journal Sustainability. For more information, click here.

02 September 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Elena Freisinger (TU Ilmenau), Christian Landau (EBS Business School) and Patrick Spieth (University of Kassel), "Business Model Innovation through the Lens of Time: An Empirical Study of Performance Implications across Venture Life Cycles," has been accepted for publication in the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research. For more information, click here.

05 July 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "Do opposites attract in New Product Development?", co-authored with Matthias Handrich (Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences) and Christoph Munck (EBS University of Economics and Law), was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. Investigating the role of innovation-management control cooperation across the NPD process" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

08 April 2021: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Riza Casidy (Macquarie University), Marius Claudy and Efe Camurdan (University College Dublin), "The role of brands in overcoming consumer resistance to autonomous vehicles," has been accepted for publication in Psychology & Marketing. For more information, click here.

19 December 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "Facilitating Business Model Innovation: The Influence of Sustainability and the Mediating Role of Strategic Orientations", co-authored with Sascha Klein and Patrick Spieth (University of Kassel), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Product Innovation Management. For more information, click here.
12 December 2020: Economists ranking of WirtschaftsWoche 2020
In the current economist ranking of WirtschaftsWoche, Prof. Dr. Heidenreich is ranked 51st among the most research-intensive business economists from German-speaking countries (2016-2020), as well as 8th among the most research-intensive business economists from German-speaking countries under the age of 40 (total number of all publications) and 240th in the lifetime achievement ranking (total assessment of all publications to date). As part of the ranking, the publications of 3346 researchers in the field of business administration working at chairs, Fraunhofer Institutes or Max Planck Institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (including post-docs and junior professors) were recorded and evaluated according to the reputation of the publication organ. Further information can be found here.

19 October 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Thomas Spanuth (Horvath and Partners) and Andreas Wald (University of Adger), "Temporary Organizations in the Creation of Dynamic Capabilities: Effects of Temporariness on Innovative Capacity and Strategic Flexibility," has been accepted for publication in the journal Industry and Innovation. For more information, click here.

16 September 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Ulf Diefenbach (Berlin School of Economics and Law) and Benedikt Schnellbächer (Saarland University), "Using regulatory fit in cost reduction announcements" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. For more information, click here.

01 August 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper co-authored with Fabian Futterer (EBS Business School) and Patrick Spieth (University of Kassel), "Is New Always Better? How Business Model Innovation Affects Consumers' Adoption Behavior" has been accepted for publication in the journal IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. For more information, click here.

18 June 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper co-authored with David An (EBS Business School) and Markus Kreutzer (EBS Business School), "Always Play Against Par? The Effect of Inter-Team Coopetition on Individual Team Productivity" has been accepted for publication in the journal Industrial Marketing Management. For more information, clickhere.

16 May 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "The Performance Effects of Management Control Instruments in Different Stages of New Product Development," co-authored with Jan Munck, Alexander Tkotz, and Andreas Wald, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. For more information, please click here.

08 March 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Benedikt Schnellbächer (Saarland University), "The role of individual ambidexterity for organizational performance - Examining ambidextrous knowledge seeking and offering" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Technology Transfer. For more information, click here.

21 February 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "Consequences of mandated usage of innovations in organizations: Developing an innovation decision model of symbolic and forced adoption", co-authored with Katrin Talke (Technical University of Berlin), has been accepted for publication in the Journal Academy of Marketing Science Review. For more information, click here.

13 February 2020: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "Exploring Passive Innovation Resistance - An Empirical Examination of Predictors and Consequences at the Cognitive and Situational Level", co-authored with Julian Koch (University of Koblenz-Landau) and Tobias Krämer (University of Koblenz-Landau), has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

04 May 2019: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper, co-authored with Taewon Suh (Texas State University), Omar Khan (Morgan State University), and Benedikt Schnellbächer (Saarland University), "Strategic accord and tension for business model innovation: Examining different tacit knowledge types and open action strategies," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Innovation Management. For more information, click here.

18 February 2019: Contribution accepted for publication
The paper "Antecedents and effects of individual ambidexterity - A cross-level investigation of exploration and exploitation activities at the employee level", co-authored with Benedikt Schnellbächer (Saarland University) and Andreas Wald (University of Agder), has been accepted for publication in the European Management Journal. For more information, please click here.
31.01.2019: Ökonomen-Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche 2018
Beim aktuellen Ökonomen-Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche belegt Prof. Dr. Heidenreich Platz 60 der forschungsstärksten Betriebswirte aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum (2014-2018), sowie Platz 43 der forschungsstärksten Betriebswirte aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum unter 40 Jahren (Gesamtzahl aller Publikationen). Im Rahmen des Rankings wurden die Publikationen von 2824 Forscher im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre, die in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz an Lehrstühlen, Fraunhofer-Instituten oder Max-Planck-Instituten arbeiten (inklusive Post-Docs und Juniorprofessoren) erfasst und gemäß der Reputation des Publikationsorgans bewertet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.