Sichere Cloud

Secure and efficient data storage in the cloud

In the area of cloud storage security, the chair is researching theoretical and practical solutions that enable secure use of existing and widespread cloud storage offerings even if the cloud provider cannot be trusted without reservation. On the practical side, the open source version management systems SVN and Mercurial, which are frequently used by computer scientists, were extended to support confidential documents: The integration of cryptographic procedures ensures that even server administrators can neither view nor manipulate the data stored there. The EncFS file system used to create encrypted backups has been enhanced with multi-user capability to enable its use by a broader user group. On the theoretical side, the chair conducts research on data structures and adapted encryption methods that enable a simultaneously secure and efficient use of (cloud) storage in future software solutions. For this purpose, cryptography and data deduplication technologies are combined. The practical implementation of secure communication via cloud storage (with protection of confidentiality even towards the server operator) is the subject of a spin-off, SOLE Software GmbH.

Responsible employee at the chair:Dominik Leibenger