SUBUrB - Software to support libraries with copyright evaluations

The SUBUrB project (Software to Assist Libraries with Copyright Assessments) addresses copyright issues that libraries face when replenishing their collections. They must determine whether a work is in the public domain or protected by copyright. If it is in the public domain, it may be borrowed and copied by another library. If it is protected, booksellers and antiquarian bookshops must be searched. The check becomes more complex if the book is protected but not available in stores. Then it can be a so-called "orphaned" or "out of print" work. SUBUrB is intended to automate both the assessment of the copyright status and the continuous search in the trade. Furthermore, the check whether a work is out of print or orphaned is to be supported or completely automated by SUBUrB. This means a considerable workload reduction for librarians and libraries.

Responsible staff members at the chair: Frederik Möllers, Stefan Hessel