BA Jonas Maier

Bachelor's Thesis Julian Happel, 2021

Aufschwingen und Stabilisieren eines Pendels an einem Wagen


In the scope of this work, a system consisting of two pendulums attached to a cart has been considered. The pendulums are coupled with an axle. A feedback controller and a trajectory planner have been designed and simulated, to stabilize the pendulums in the upward position, which corresponds to the unstable equilibrium point. Two algo-rithms have been discussed to swing up the pendulum from its stable equlibrium to the unstable one. Due to the need for accurate calculations of derivatives of measurements for these algorithms, three different types of derivative estimation methods have been discussed, compared and simulated in the closed loop system. All approaches have then been experimentally validated on a platform available at the chair.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Rudolph
M.Sc. Amine Othmane