Optional Prereading

Workshop: Optional Prereading

Participants are not required to study texts before the workshop sessions. And we expect that even those who want to do some reading beforehand will read at most some of the texts from the extensive list below. Feel free to be selective.

In order to get access to the files you need a password, which you will receive after registering at rethinking(at)gmx.net.

Monday, 14:15 h to 18h
Can Metaethics Be Reduced to Practical Reasoning?

Tuesday, 14:15 to 18h
The Place of Modal Cognition in Reasoning


Wednesday, 14:15 h to 18h
Is Logic at the Center of the Web of Belief? The Case of Epistemicism

Thursday, 10:15 h to 14h
Can the Theory of Reasoning Be Formal? Lessons of Higher-Order Vagueness

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Contact and Queries

Professor Millgram’s assistant for this workshop will be Svantje de Silva from Saarbrücken. Please direct all inquiries, in English or French or German, to her: