Minds, Models and Mechanisms: Current Trends in Philosophy of Psychiatry 2021
April 20th - 22th 2021, (online und live).
The philosophy of psychiatry has a long-standing tradition and many facets. In recent years, psychiatry as a scientific discipline has experienced several turns towards neurophysiology, genetics, and multi-level biological explanations. According to the current state-of-the art, understanding mental disorders requires looking at a variety of different factors contributing to the development and persistence of, as well as the recovery from, mental disorders. To this end, psychiatrists study the influences of, e.g., behavioral, psychological, neurophysiological, genetic, pharmacological, and environmental factors on psychopathology...
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Der Header ist ein Ausschnitt von Hermann Waibels Bild "Lichtfarbe" von 1987. Wir danken Herrn Waibel für die freundliche Erlaubnis, sein Bild zu nutzen.