Maria-Anna Schiffers, M.A.

Maria-Anna Schiffers is Doctoral Researcher at the chair of Romance Literatures and Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies and of the “Minor Universality” project at Saarland University. She is also coordinating and editing the project and journal Rhinoceros. Europe in transition (dt. Rhinozeros. Europa im Übergang). Her research in literary and cultural studies focuses mainly on epistemological potentials of contemporary literary texts, anthropology and philosophy of human-animal-relations and politics of aesthetics.
– Selected publications: Schiffers, Maria-Anna 2023: More-than-Human Relations, or: Rethinking Narration and Relations with Bears. In: Messling, Markus/ Tinius, Jonas (eds.) 2023: Minor Universality / Universalité mineure. Rethinking Humanity After Western Universalism / Penser l’humanité après l’universalisme occidental, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; Schiffers, Maria-Anna 2022: Lebendige Beispiel-Tiere: Ms. Cayenne Pepper. Ein Lektüreversuch. In: Güsken, Jessica/ Lück, Christian et. Al. (eds.): Z.B. – Zeitschrift Zum Beispiel, Nr. 5, Band 8, Hagen: Hagen University Press.; Hofmann, Franck/ Messling, Markus/ Schiffers, Maria-Anna (eds.) 2022: Rhinozeros. Europa im Übergang 2 | besitzen, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.