Performance indicators
Career Highlights
- 2014 Joint General Chair COLING 2014 Dublin
- 2014 DFKI, Germany, Multilingual Technologies Director
- 2014 University of Saarland, Germany, Full Professor and Chair of Translation-Oriented Language Technologies
- 2013 CNGL-II (2013-2016) Deputy Director and DCU Lead PI CNGL-II
- 2012 Appointed General Chair COLING 2014 (Dublin, Ireland)
- 2012 President’s Research Award 2012, Dublin City University, Ireland
- 2012 Appointed Advisory Board Member Centre for Talent Youth Ireland (CTYI)
- 2012 US Patent Granted: US 2012/0016657 A1 Method of and System for Translation, Yifan He, Yanjun Ma, Andy Way and Josef van Genabith, DCU
- 2011 Invited Scientist to Google’s EMEA Faculty Summit 2011 (Natural Language Processing), Google Research Centre Zurich, Switzerland
- 2010 Appointed External Evaluator of the Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- 2010 Appointed Advisory Board Member LINDAT-CLARIN, Charles University of Prague, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
- 2010 ACL 2010 tutorial on Wide Coverage NP with Linguistically Expressive Grammars, Josef van Genabith, Julia Hockenmaier, and Yusuke Miyao, Uppsala, Sweden
- 2010 Hosting the 4th Machine Translation Marathon, EuroMatrixPlus and CNGL/NCLT at DCU
- 2009 Appointed Advisory Board Member, Hindi-Urdu Treebank Project, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
- 2009 Elected member of International Lexical Functional Grammar Association (ILFGA) Executive Committee
- 2007 Elected to Advisory Board of the European Association of Computational Linguistics, (EACL)
- 2007-2013 Director CNGL, Ireland
- 2007 ACL European Sponsorship Chairs (jointly with Philipp Koehn, Univ. of Edinburgh)
- 2007 ACL 2007, Prague, Area Chair for Syntax, Parsing and Formalisms
- 2006 European Summer School for Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI 2006), Malaga, Spain, Advanced Course on “Treebank-Based Acquisition of LFG, HPSG and CCG Resources”, J. van Genabith (DCU), Yusuke Miyao (Tokyo Univ.) and Julia Hockenmaier (University of Pennsylvania)
- 2005-now Faculty Fellow IBM Center for Advanced Studies CAS, Ireland
- 2004-2005 Visiting Scientist IBM Center for Advanced Studies CAS. Ireland
- 2003 European Summer School for Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI 2003), Vienna, Austria, Advanced Course on “Discourse Representation Theory: an Updated Survey”, A. Bende-Farkas (Univ. Stuttgart), H. Kamp (Univ. Stuttgart) and J. van Genabith (DCU)
- 2001-2008 Director National Centre for Language Technology (NCLT)
- 2001 European Summer School for Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI 2001), Birmingham (U.K.), Introductory Course on “Linear-Logic for Linguists”, D. Crouch (Xerox PARC), J. van Genabith (DCU)
- 1997-2001 Chair of Programme Board B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics (ACL), School of Computing, DCU