H. Mounier and J. Rudolph, Flatness based control of nonlinear delay systems: A chemical reactor example, Int. J. Control, 71:871-890, 1998.

E. Delaleau and J. Rudolph, Control of flat systems by quasi-static feedback of generalized states, Int. J. Control, 71:745-765, 1998.

H. Mounier, J. Rudolph, M. Fliess, and P. Rouchon, Tracking control of a vibrating string with an interior mass viewed as delay system, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 3:315-321, 1998.

J. Rudolph and E. Delaleau, Some examples and remarks on quasi-static feedback of generalized states, Automatica, 34:993-999, 1998.