N. Gehring,  J. Rudolph, An algebraic algorithm for parameter identification in a class of systems described by linear partial differential equations, PAMM - Proc. in Appl. Mathem. and Mechanics, 16, 39-42, 2016. DOI

M. Konz, J. Rudolph, Beispiele für einen direkten Zugang zu einer globalen, energiebasierten Modellbildung und Regelung von Starrkörpersystemen (Examples for a direct approach to global energy-based modeling and control of rigid body systems), at - Automatisierungstechnik, 64, 96-109, 2016. (Best paper award) DOI

C. Stauch, J. Rudolph, Control-oriented modelling and development of a model-based switching algorithm for a digital hydraulic independent metering cylinder drive, Proc. IME J. Syst. Contr. Eng., first published on February 23, 2016. DOI