Facets of diversity - gender research and its significance for society

Wednesdays 18-20 h c.t. (17.04. to 24.07.)
- University Campus Building E2 5 Lecture Hall II
- Rathausfestsaal Saarbrücken (8 May & 24 July)
"Gender" has become a polarising topic in the current public debate throughout Europe and divides politics and society. But what exactly is it all about and what does gender research do? What is it concerned with? And why is the consideration of gender and other diversity factors an important aspect of many scientific disciplines? To what extent are other dimensions of social, ethnic, cultural and sexual differentiation processes related to the subject areas of gender research? And why is gender research ultimately so important for society?
In order to address these and related questions appropriately, we are organising a lecture series at Saarland University on the topic of "Facets of diversity: gender research and its significance for society". The lecture series will be led by Prof Dr Daniela Braun (political scientist) and Prof Dr Astrid M. Fellner (Americanist) in cooperation with the UdS Gender Studies Forum, the UdS Equal Opportunities Office, the Queer Working Group and the Department of Political Education of the AStA of the UdS, the ZelL, the Women's Office of the City of Saarbrücken and the FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar and will take place in the summer semester 2024. The majority of the events will take place on the UdS campus in lecture theatre HS II / 0.02 in building E2 5. However, as the lectures are also intended for the general public, two panel discussions (on 8 May and 24 July) will take place in the town hall of the city of Saarbrücken in order to bring the wide range and expertise on the subject of gender research in our region directly to the doorstep of the interested public. The panel discussion on 8 May, which will be accompanied by a comic reading, will also take place as part of the "UdS in dialogue" series of events. The last event in the town hall will also be accompanied by an artistic supporting programme.
In terms of content, the interdisciplinary lecture series poses questions, offers answers and aims to shed light on and discuss the significance of various diversity factors in science and society. Based on the latest findings from feminist theory, gender, queer and trans studies as well as empirical gender research, selected experts from various research areas will provide an insight into recent research areas and current research approaches in the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, law and natural sciences. In each individual session, the speakers will specifically address what gender means for them and their discipline or research topic and what specific challenges the respective subject/field has to overcome with regard to gender. Furthermore, exciting findings from current research projects will be explained and the significance of this research and its findings for society will be demonstrated. The events are open to all interested parties without registration and are free of charge.
17 April: Introductory session
24 April: "Sex, Gender, Queer in North America"
Prof Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem (UdS)
8 May: Panel discussion "Why gender studies?" followed by a comic reading by Elisabeth Pich
- Prof Andrea Geier (CePoG Trier)
- Prof Ulrike Zöller (htw saar)
- Prof Astrid Fellner (UdS)
- L Crescimone (Queer-Referat AStA UdS)
- Dr Sybille Jung (Equal Opportunities Office UdS)
- Moderation: Dr Lisa Juliane Schneider (Women's Representative LH Saarbrücken)
15 May: "Gender research in computer science: How can digital discrimination against women be measured and made visible?"
Prof Ingmar Weber (UdS)
22 May: "Queer in the context of disadvantaged young people"
Prof Ulrike Zöller (htw saar)
29 May: "Gender in Political Science: Europe - Climate - Security"
Prof Daniela Braun and Djamila Jabra (UdS)
5 June: "Gender-equitable political participation - do we need a women's quota in electoral law?"
Prof Thomas Giegerich (UdS)
12 June: "Gender-power-sustainability: What does gender research contribute to a just and
sustainable society?"
Dr Andrea Amri Henkel and Dr Irmak Karakislak (IZES)
19 June: "Gender medicine"
Prof Sandra Iden (UdS)
26 June: "From the ecclesiastical question of women to queer theology"
Prof Anne Conrad (UdS)
3 July: "Gender as a continuum"
Prof Christel Baltes-Löhr (University of Luxembourg)
10 July: "Gender in psychology"
Dr Lisa Juliane Schneider (LH Saarbrücken)
17 July: "Women's literature? Gender and genre using the example of popular romance"
Dr Heike Mißler (UdS)
24 July: Final discussion
- Organisers of the lecture series
- Junior Professor Carola Fricke (UdS)
- Dr Julia Pierzina (international Gender Design network)
Artistic supporting programme